Saturday, September 17, 2022

Profile - Nikiema


"I'm here to deliver God's wrath on your bitch ass!" - Nikiema

Name: Nikiema Irvin 

Alias: Nikiel

Age: 207 years old (Mortal death at the age of 30)

Race: Angel formally human

Hair Color: Ivory hair with translucent shades of pink

Skin Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Light Purple

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120 Pounds

Likes: Justice, her fellow angels, tropical weather, children, tortoise, apple pie, hot tubs

Dislikes: Demons "Especially that bitch, Hellin", injustices, the cries of children, people who think they know more than her "I'm a fucking angel and the only former mortal chosen by God/The Heavenly King themselves. No bitch! You do not know better than me", snails "I know God says that all creatures have value but FUCK THAT! Those little shits are disgusting and need to move into the Underworld where they belong" Being reprimanded by The Heavenly King

Powers: Nikiema possesses angelic powers such as flight, healing, high level knowledge of the Mortal Realm, sensing danger, Holy light attacks and defense


Before she became the foul-mouthed angel of the Heavens, which is ruled by the Heavenly King, Nikiel was preferably referred to as Nikiema Irvin. She once was a normal human woman who enjoyed her life as a server on a cruise ship. Born an only child to wealthy parents who loved traveling the world, Nikiema, though happy, she grew up being a rather lonely child. She was unable to make friends because of all the moving. Nikiema found solace in reading books and a pet tortoise named Trevor that she received for her tenth birthday. After her sixteenth birthday, Nikiema live on her own while she attended university in Silia City. After graduating, Nikiema landed a job on a cruise ship, which her parents weren't too thrilled about but respected their daughter's decision. Nikiema enjoyed life constantly traveling the oceans along with her coworkers who had become like family to her. For years, Nikiema had enjoyed her life working on the cruise ship and had looked forward to their trip to Bolivia. Unfortunately, during their venture through Bolivia, while crew and guests were onboard, a trio of demons appeared onboard and caused trouble. Fortunately, a pair of twin female sages arrived as well because they were hunting down the troublesome trio. 

A fight broke out on the cruise ship as guests and crew began to evacuate. However, Nikiema noticed a child who had been injured during all the commotion. Suddenly, the woman heard a voice of a divine being in her head telling her to "escape or you will die". The voice momentarily stunned her, but Nikiema refused to leave the child behind. At the same time, the demons realized their combined powers were not enough to defeat the twin sisters. One of them decided to target the injured child as a last ditch effort of defiance to their adversaries. Throwing a ball of piercing fire towards the child, Nikiema quickly positioned herself in front of the child as the demon's attack pierced her heart, killing her instantly. The twin sages then defeated and killed all demons. They got the child to safety and were grateful to the woman for her sacrifice. Nikiema was dead, but her spirit didn't go to the spirit realm. It went directly to Heaven, a holy realm ruled by the Heavenly King, who was impressed by the fact that despite his warning, Nikiema did what was right instead of saving herself. The Heavenly King abandoned the citizens of the Mortal Realm many centuries ago because of the disrespect and disregard both he and his angels had received. The denizens of the Mortal Realm obtained magic and no longer felt inclined to pray to a God for their salvation. The Heavenly King never again wanted anything to do with mortals until that day. While Nikiema's was not the first selfless action of a mortal he had witnessed, it was the first time he'd warned a mortal of their fate and regardless, they still chose to do the right thing.

Impressed by the woman's bravery, he refused to allow her soul to just end up in the Spirit Realm. Instead, the Heavenly King brought Nikiema to his realm and transformed her into an angel. However, he didn't want Nikiema to be a perfect angel, thus he left some of her human mannerisms. The Heavenly King decided that Nikiema would still curse like she did as a human along with dressing in a way that seemed "slutty" but having no sexual desire since she was now a Holy being... for the most part. Nikiema became his active angel on the Mortal Realm. She assisted those in need whenever she could. Nikiema would be the Heavenly King's final act of kindness upon the mortals who long ago abandoned him.


1. Nikiema is the first human to ever be transformed by the Heavenly King into an angel

2. While Nikiema is indeed an angel, the Heavenly King left a very small portion of sin within Nikiema in order to maintain her bond with the Mortal Realm. Nikiema has no desire for fornication, drugs, unnecessary violence, and other common sins. However, she still has risque taste in clothing and a very vulgar vocabulary

3. Nikiema's angelic name is Nikiel

4. Nikiema detests demons as expected of an angel, but doesn't hate demons and half-demons that she knows aren't evil. The exception being Hellin Strongs whom she detests very much

5. When Nikiema was still a human her hair was black 

6. Nikiema was inspired by the Queen's Blade character Nanael, but only in concept not looks or backstory 

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