Sunday, September 4, 2022



A guild consisting of seven talented sages that lived in various parts of Mayland with the exception of one member. Led by Sonia Brightwood, Team Cyprine uses their powers to combat villainy within their country and other places of the Mortal Realm

1. Sonia Brightwood - Leader of Team Cyprine and user of a unique planetary based magic. Sonia manipulates crimson colored energy which she can also create stones of the same color. Along with using yellow colored energy which she can also use to teleport and optical illusions. Sonia calls her red powers Mars and her yellow powers Vesta 

2. Haven Greenmore - Member of Team Cyprine who wields emerald based powers. Haven is the youngest member of TEAM CYPRINE and identifies as an aerosexual 

Info on aerosexual here -

3. Hein Mayhew

4. Lauren Shroud - A beautiful brown skinned sage hailing from Canada. Lauren uses song based magic and joined Sonia's guild after being rescued by her

5. Macy Warden -

6. Doctor Corrington Fantasia - Half Human Half Elf with a shady past. Fortunately Sonia saw use for Corrington and added him to her team but keeps a close eye on him

7. D'Chele (Pronounced DEE-Shell) - A beasterian monkey type woman who fights with a staff  

The rest of the members write up plus concept sketches will come in the future or early 2023. I'm in the process of catching up on my underdeveloped characters right now. Along with other FORBIDDEN related things such as profiles, changing up things, etc. Thank you all who support my blog it's greatly appreciated 

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VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc