Saturday, September 3, 2022

Profile: Phukong & Boon-Mee


"Hey asshole! I hope you're in the mood for a memorable ass kicking" - Phukong

"I would prefer if we beat this loser out of existence. You know how I feel about having a rogue gallery" - Boon-Mee

Phukong (Left) Boon-mee (Right)

Names: Phukong & Boon-mee

Age: Both men are 22 years of age

Country: Both men are from Thailand. Phukong is from Samui & Boon-mee is from Phuket

Height: Phukong is 5'10" and Boon-mee is 5'11"

Weight: Phukong is 170 pounds and Boon-mee is 175 pounds

Hair Color: Phukong’s hair is currently a neon blue color, formally brunette. Boon-mee’s hair is brunette

Eye Color: Phukong's eyes are brown, but turn blue when his powers are activated. Boon-mee's eyes are also brown, but can change colors from gold to cyan to magenta whenever he uses his nunchucks in battle.

Allies: Dorothea, Shanna, Okubi, Victoria Vance, Frankie Vance 

Likes: (Phukong) His family, Boon-mee, Dorothea, candy, playing the flute, social media

(Boon-mee) His father, stepmother, and younger half- brother. His lover Phukong, his friend Dorothea, his nunchucks he received from Victoria, pulling pranks on Phukong, spicy foods

Dislikes: (Phukong) - Troublesome spirits, Boon-mee's pranks at bad times, spicy foods, Dorothea's scolding, his parents nagging

(Boon-mee) - Seeing Phukong upset, troublesome spirits, Dorothea's scolding, airplane rides, overly sweet foods, boredom

Powers: Phukong's ancestral powers allow him to create blue-colored flames in order to combat evil spirits and to exorcise them. Phukong can also see spirits and those who have become possessed by them.

Boon-mee is able to see spirits thanks to a magical blessing his deceased mother had placed upon him. Boon-mee later gained the ability to combat spirits upon receiving the Spirit Slayer nunchucks from the scientist, Victoria, from Mayland.


Phukong and Boon-mee are childhood friends turned lovers. Both currently work with their friend and teacher, Dorothea, to combat malicious spirits around the world. Phukong comes from a long line of exorcists who wield various powers in order to combat evil spirits. While Boon-mee, a relatively normal human, was the son of a Thai Secret Agent mother and a father who owned a barbershop. Upon giving birth to Boon-mee, his mother placed a spell on him that would allow him to see spirits when he reached puberty. Boon-mee's mother passed away when he was only six-years-old during a dangerous mission. That forced his father to raise him by himself until he eventually remarried and had another child with his current wife. Thankfully, shortly after losing his mother, Boon-mee befriended a kid by the name of Phukong, who recently moved to his neighborhood. The two young boys had an instant connection and hung out regularly both in or out of school. Their friendship had continued over many years and even when they got on each other's nerves, the two young men couldn't go long without being around each other. 

Unfortunately, shortly after Phukong's sixteenth birthday, he began experiencing fevers and body spasms. Boon-mee was fearful for his friend's well-being. Unbeknownst to him, Phukong wasn't sick but his spiritual powers had begun awakening. Phukong's mother and father realized this and had to bring their son back to their original home in Samui in order for Phukong's grandmother to get him adjusted to his new powers. Boon-mee was sad when Phukong had moved away but before he had left, Phukong promised Boon-mee that he would return once his situation was handled. Boon-mee spent the rest of his summer hanging out with his family and other childhood friends, but he longed for the return of his best friend.

A few months later, the new school semester began. While heading to start his senior year, Boon-mee was both shocked and ecstatic upon seeing his best friend, Phukong, had returned and that his hair color had changed from brunette to a neon blue. Phukong, after giving his friend a big hug, explained to him that his spiritual powers had awoken and he had to go away for awhile in order to get control over them. His neon blue hair was a magical side effect. Boon-mee was not only happy to have his best friend back in his life but also happy that his friend had super powers. The two boys then began their day of school and attended their first period class. Both young men saw what appeared to be a ghostly looking girl dressed in a typical school uniform. It wasn't shocking that Phukong was able to see the spirit, but Boon-mee was surprised that he saw it as well. The boys then had another discussion because Phukong wanted to know how Boon-mee was able to see the spirit if he wasn't an exorcist or a Spirit Toucher. Boon-mee remembered the story his father told him as a kid that upon his birth his biological mother had placed a spell on him, thus realizing the spell his mother had placed upon him allowed him to see spirits. The two boys then decided they would figure out what was going on at their school. 

Days passed and while investigating the strange spirit they had seen, along with the cases of students committing suicide at the school, both Phukong and Boon-mee began to realize their feelings for each other had developed from platonic to romantic. One evening while hanging out in the library, after another day of failed investigation, the two young men shared a passionate kiss before confessing their true feelings for each other. The two decided to become boyfriends. Now all that was left was to solve the mystery behind the spirit roaming their school and the unfortunate suicides... and, of course, graduate on time. Luckily, the two of them were soon be joined by an experienced Spirit Hunter from Zimbabwe named Dorothea.

Upon Dorothea's arrival in Thailand and meeting with the two young men, the three joined forces to put an end to the madness taking place at the school. The trio finally managed to corner the malicious schoolgirl spirit who was causing various students to commit suicide. Dorothea and Phukong, with Boon-mee giving emotional support to his boyfriend, managed to use their combined abilities to vanquish the evil spirit and give peace to all of her victims. After completing her duty in Thailand, Dorothea had intended to return to her homeland but Phukong and Boon-mee really loved having her around. And Dorothea did enjoy the friendship she formed with the two young men in such a short time. Thus, she offered to remain in Thailand only if the two of them would become her apprentices and attend college. The two boys swiftly agreed and together the three of them became a team of Spirit Hunters.

A few months after the events at the school and the two boys graduating, Dorothea took Phukong and Boon-mee to Mayland to meet with Victoria Vance, the esteemed scientist and sister of former MMA fighter, Frankie Vance. During the trip, Boon-mee received a pair of special nunchucks called "Spirit Slayer" in order to fight alongside his friends against malicious spirits.


Phukong is inspired by the character "Tee" played by actor Thanatsaran Samthonglai from the series "Cause You're My Boy"

Boon-Mee is inspired by the character "Mork" played by actor Suttabut Laedeke from the series "Cause You're My Boy"

Phukong is a natural since his powers were inherited by his ancestors while Boon-Mee was taught exorcism and gained his ability to see spirits thanks to a spell his mother placed on him

Both Phukong and Boon-Mee fight alongside veteran exorcist Dorothea

Phukong & Boon-Mee have their on VideoWorld Channel. VideoWorld is the fictional equivalent to YouTube

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