Saturday, September 3, 2022

Profile: Arkan


"I'm aware of my dark action in my past life; however, I vow to be a warrior of the light with my second chance at life."

Name: Arkan Nightfall

Age: 385

Race: Beasterian

Species: Dragon

Country: Dragon Lands 

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 285 pounds

Allies: Brandy, Romeo, Rodrigo, Haven, Hecate, Lea Stallard, fellow dragon Beasterians

Weapon: Hope-Bringer (His Broadsword)

Likes: Hot weather, swimming, training, adventuring with Brandy, young children of all races and species (Not in a nasty way either), grapefruit, strong opponents, salmon

Dislikes: Himself from his past life A.K.A. Calamity, Okubi's disdain for him, evildoers, sweets, the sound of styrofoam, cold weather

Powers: Arkan possesses dragon-based abilities outside of flight. Using his sword, Hope-Bringer, Arkan is able to create divine energy blades and strike with light-infused attacks


Centuries ago, a terrible event had taken place in the Mortal Realm. A 67-foot tall red and black monster had emerged from its dimension and began wreaking unspeakable havoc upon humans, elves, fairies, demons, beasterians, and all other denizens of the Mortal Realm. This monstrous creature was foretold by prophets long before its dreaded arrival. Its name was Calamity! Unleashing pure chaos and destruction throughout Europe, a group of highly powerful sages were tasked with bringing down the dragon. Led by Boris Dreamtime, an extremely powerful sage born and raised in England, Boris along with his fellow sages battled Calamity. Despite their combined efforts, Calamity proved able to withstand even their strongest spells, which forced Boris to do the unthinkable in order to slay the dragon. Performing a sacrificial FORBIDDEN SPELL, Boris would be able to slay the dragon at the cost of his own life. Boris did not care that he was going to die as long as England and the rest of Europe were saved. However, he did feel sadness knowing that he couldn't say goodbye to his demon lover, Ophelia, or his child, Okubi. Boris performed the Forbidden Spell and both Calamity and he were no more.

Many years later, a dragon named Arkan was born in the Dragon Lands, a place known to house various types of dragons and also one of the most dangerous places within the Mortal Realm. Upon becoming conscious, the young and developing dragon would have nightmares of a gigantic black and red dragon causing destruction. As Arkan grew older, the nightmares eventually lessened, but still would occur from time to time. One day while on an excursion with his close friend, Brandy, a human warrior woman who had been raised by dragons despite not being one herself, they were confronted by the disowned Goddess Hecate. Upon meeting the Goddess, Arkan discovered that the dreams he had were no mere dreams, but the misdeeds of his past self. It hurt Arkan's pride greatly to know that he was the reincarnation of the terrible Dragon of Death, also known as Calamity. Fortunately, because he was slain on a Mortal Realm and reincarnated as dragon-type beasterian, Arkan was able to change his fate. Hecate warned him if he ever gave into the darkness within his soul, he'll end up repeating his past transgressions and transform into a newer version of Calamity. Determined not to let his past repeat itself, the beasterian asked the Goddess to give him something to combat his inner darkness. Hecate agreed and with the help of her friend, Hephaestus, the two created a broadsword called Hope-Bringer, which contained divine energy to help Arkan combat the darkness within his soul.

Going forward, Arkan, along with his divine sword, combatted various local evils. Each battle with his trusted sword greatly aided the beasterian in keeping his inner darkness at bay. During one unfortunate day, Arkan encountered the Witch Okubi, the child of the sage who had killed his previous self centuries ago. Arkan sensed the rage emanating from Okubi, but the two did not battle. Okubi refrained from confronting him mainly because the witch knew that Arkan regretted his past self's misdeeds. Nonetheless, Okubi's disdain towards him remained intact but they deemed the dragon-type beasterian unworthy of killing. However, Okubi swore to Arkan should he ever lose his battle to his darkness, they would kill him with extreme prejudice.


1- Arkan's original design was a yellow colored humanoid dragon

2- Unlike some of my other FORBIDDEN characters who just received a new design. Arkan got a complete design overhaul to bring my true vision for the character to life

3- Arkan is the reincarnation of the mighty ferocious dragon Calamity. The one responsible for a horrific event in the Mortal Realms many years ago

4- Arkan wears a loincloth that has magical resistance to windy weather or fast  movements. However he is not completely immune to having his genitals exposed in battle

5- Arkan's sword "Hope-Bringer" not only helps purify his soul but possesses divine powers that are great against dark magic users, darkens, and demons

6- Arkan's love for grapefruit is so great that if he hears someone speaking bad about the fruit. It would make him want to debate with them in hopes of changing their mind

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