Monday, October 31, 2022

Profile: Apollyn


"If Apollyn likes you then you can have Apollyn's candy... not that kind of CANDY, YOU PERVERT!" - Demon Warlord of Gluttony, Apollyn 

Name: Apollyn (She does not have a surname)

Age: 324 

Realm: The Underworld

Height: 5'4” (changes when she transforms)

Weight: 188 pounds (changes when she transforms)

Hair Color: Carnation Pink

Skin Color: Vanilla

Eye Colors: Sky Blue (Right Eye) Baby Pink (Left Eye)

Powers: Apollyn possesses the typical powers of a demon such as super strength, speed, agility, self regenerativity, and heightened senses. Apollyn is also a manipulator of sweets/desserts. She can use various candies as weapons, make her clothes out of them, and can transform her target into a dessert via bite, and she can transform into a ferocious demon with an insatiable appetite. Apollyn can also create portals from the Underworld to the Mortal Realm and vice versa. However, Apollyn could only do this feat every four hours otherwise she would risk going feral. Therefore, most of the time, Apollyn travels by traditional means when exploring the Mortal Realm.

Quirk: Apollyn often speaks in third person 

Allies: Lisa-Alice, Jia Xiaoyu, Nara Asamura, Mistyak Asamura, King Onyx, Hellin Strongs, Othello Strongs, Orsela Geno, Mihoshi Strongs, Koga Yukimaru, Ivan Petrov, Leviathan, Scylla Baros, August Starfinder, Trevyn Aliyu, Lea Stallard, Angelina Murai, Romeo N'al, Mona, Addison Reed, Nevin Silvers, Orellana, Mingxia, Utakata Affogato, Monique Sulfur, Vritra... LOOK, WE'LL BE HERE ALL FUCKING DAY IF I LIST EVERY CHARACTER APOLLYN CONSIDERS AN ALLY

Likes: Her friends, making new friends, desserts, traveling, eating, sleeping, bathing, collecting stuffed animals, going to the movies, parks, birds, cats, dogs, etc.

Dislikes: Seeing her friends upset, vegetables, people who are mean to her


Apollyn is one of the many children of the great demon, Beelzebub, and currently serves as the Demon Warlord of Gluttony. Unlike the previous and current Demon Warlords, who obtained their status either through the traditional means of killing the previous Demon Warlord or inheriting their throne, Apollyn was more or less given her status by her elder sister, Lisa-Alice, who killed the previous Demon Warlord of Gluttony who resided in Gehenna. The hit was ordered by the Demon Warlord of Pride, Johanna, who felt the former Demon Warlord of Gluttony was undeserving of his position. The other Warlords agreed with Johanna's decision to remove said demon. Since Johanna didn't want another insufferable demon possessing the title of Warlord of Gluttony, Lisa-Alice recommended her sister, Apollyn, who, despite her child-like demeanor, was a very powerful demon. Plus, Apollyn wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Therefore, Lisa-Alice, Johanna, Othello, and the others would take turns running Gehenna with Apollyn being the "face" of the Kingdom. 

Meanwhile, Apollyn often explored the Mortal Realm in search of delicious snacks that she often stole before disappearing with said desserts. The lass ended up having wanted posters in multiple bakeries in many countries of the Mortal Realm. It's not that Apollyn was a thief out of malice; she just didn't understand how currency worked in the Mortal Realm. One day, while exploring in China, Apollyn ventured into a shop and swiped several desserts without paying, which made the owners extremely upset with her. The owners confronted Apollyn outside their establishment and began berating the gluttonous demon. Before things took a turn for the worst, a young and beautiful woman by the name of Jia Xiaoyu intervened on Apollyn's behalf. Xiaoyu de-escalated the situation and quietly paid the owners for the food stolen by Apollyn. Emotional by the kindness Xiaoyu had shown her, since Apollyn had minimal contact with humans prior, the demon became enamored with the woman and decided to become her friend. Xiaoyu appreciated Apollyn's sincerity and the two women became partners in fighting crime. 

Apollyn also learned from Xiaoyu how things worked in the Mortal Realm and that she couldn't just swipe desserts but had to pay for them. Thankfully, Apollyn quickly understood how things worked and when she received payment for her duties in the Mortal Realm, Apollyn went back to the various places she had stolen from in the past and had paid the owners the money for the goods she unintentionally took. Thanks to Xiaoyu and later on Nara, Apollyn was grateful to have such amazing friends along with making new friends while fighting against evil. Also Apollyn continued being the Demon Warlord of Gluttony and performed her duties in the Underworld whenever she was needed by Johanna and her fellow Demon Warlords. 


Apollyn is the second Demon Warlord successfully created after Othello Strongs.

Apollyn is inspired by the character Gretel from Queen's Blade Grimoire, Sylvie Paula Paula and Mignon Beart from The King of Fighters series.

Apollyn speaks in third person. It's not obsessive, but happens often enough.

Apollyn behaves like a child. That is because she has a defect as a demon, but she is, nonetheless, competent enough to understand right from wrong.

Apollyn is one of 100 children of Beelzebub. Apollyn is child 98 with two younger brothers after her. While Apollyn has many elder siblings, she is closest to her sister, Lisa-Alice.

Apollyn's weight is abnormal in proportion to her height because she is a lot heavier than her appearance would suggest. This, of course, is because she is a demon.

Apollyn has heterochromia, which is unusual for a demon since most demons have red-colored eyes. Whereas Apollyn has one sky blue eye and the other is baby pink. 

Apollyn's human appearance is inspired by the controversial Lolita archetype that exists in anime. However, Apollyn demonic appearance is quite terrifying but only comes out when under extreme duress, she hasn't had dessert in over 72 hours, or she uses her portal beyond the recommended time periods. 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

SUB]GL webseries "Girlfriendprojectday1" 몰아보기(BINGE WATCH) #lesbiankdram...

Zhong Feifei taught Da Zhang Wei dance and everyone danced along | CHUAN...

Vamdemon Evolution Line

Pink Shades

A selfie with me with my unruly hair and pink shades. The shades will be worn by a future FORBIDDEN character just a different color 


Profiles - Romeo N'al & Rodrigo Seval


"Whether it's my fist or my dick, I make sure to leave an impression." - Romeo N'al

Name: Romeo N'al

Age: 28

Country: Beastia

Height: 6'4”

Weight: 225 Pounds

Eye Color: Citrine 

Fur Color: Tangerine color fur with cerulean colored stripes 

Powers: Romeo possesses heightened senses, agility, dexterity, superhuman strength, durability, and Ki energy manipulation

Allies: Hellin Strongs, Lea Stallard, Orsela Geno, Trevyn Aliyu, August Starfinder, Scylla Baros, Rodrigo Seval, Kekoa, James Del Soto

Likes: Attractive people, anal sex, training, squats, coconut water, swimming, sparring, jazz music

Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, religion, sour cream, anyone touching his tail without his consent, drama movies


Romeo is a tiger-type Beasterian from the country of Beastia, which neighbors the countries of Mayland and Hawaii. Romeo was taught at a young age by his parents alongside his cousin, Rodrigo, to manipulate Ki energy in order to become proficient fighters. Unlike Rodrigo, who is also a Natural who possesses nature-based abilities, Romeo solely relied on manipulating Ki energy and becoming highly skilled in various styles of karate. In due time, Romeo became one of the strongest fighters in Beastia. 

One day while training, a group of demons opened a portal in Beastia to hunt for some Beasterians to devour. Fortunately, Hellin along with Lea, Orsela, James, and Scylla arrived on scene because they were tipped off by Madame Xi. Romeo fought alongside the heroes and slayed the majority of the demons with only a small handful running away. Impressed by Romeo's fighting abilities, Hellin referred Romeo to Onyx. Afterwards, Romeo would be someone Hellin and the others could rely on to aid them in various crises within the Mortal Realm. Of course, that didn’t mean Romeo didn't continue to enjoy his simplistic life as often as possible. 


Romeo was my first Beasterian character I ever created for my FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse.

Romeo is a bisexual and enjoys anal sex. Romeo is the one doing the fucking, by the way.

Romeo, at his angriest, can shatter a tree with one strike.

Romeo is one of the strongest hand-to-hand combatants in the Mortal Realm. The others being Hellin, Chia-hao, King Onyx, Yura Mikan, Trevyn Aliyu, and quite a handful more.

Romeo has a younger sister named Nyla. They are 15 years apart, whereas he's only five years younger than his cousin, Rodrigo. Romeo has a stronger relationship with his cousin who he views as an older brother.

Originally, Romeo was a baby blue colored tiger-type Beasterian, but ultimately I was unhappy with it. So, I  had him drawn by another artist to appear as he does now.

Romeo has hooked up with Lea several times since they met. Of course, Lea was already legal age.


“By nature, I'm a naturally soft-hearted individual, but do not anger me unless you wish to feel my wrath!" - Rodrigo Seval

Name: Rodrigo Stem Seval

Age: 33

Country: Beasteria

Height: 6'4”

Weight: 251 Pounds

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Lime

Fur & Skin Color: Light green fur with black stripes

Powers: Rodrigo is a skilled fighter who excels in several different martial arts. Rodrigo can also manipulate Ki energy, and as a Natural possesses nature-based energy that amplifies his other abilities

Allies: Romeo N'al, Utakata Affogato, Mihoshi Strongs, Mistyak Asamura, Monique Sulfur

Likes: His family, his girlfriend Marisol, training, meditating, poetry, instrumental music (no vocals)

Dislikes: Alcohol, spicy foods, rude tourists, laziness, cowards, bees (not Bee type beasterians of course)


Rodrigo Seval is a lion-type beasterian and the elder cousin of Romeo and Nyla. At an early age, Rodrigo was taught how to fight and manipulate Ki energy by his elders, along with the discovery that Rodrigo was a Natural who possessed nature-based abilities. In a short time span, Rodrigo grew up to be a fighting prodigy in his country. Once he was an adult, he, too, would take on the responsibility of training his fellow Beasterians in the ways of hand-to-hand combat. Of course, many other Beasterians either took up learning traditional magic or possessed their own unique fighting abilities. 

Shortly afterwards, Rodrigo met a gorgeous, buxom human woman by the name of Marisol. She was a Sage from Turmeric Village, one of the seventy-five states within the country of Mayland. The two immediately hit it off and began dating. Rodrigo heard about the news of demons invading Beasteria from Romeo while he was away with Marisol. Thankfully help arrived and no Beasterians were killed that day. Rodrigo felt terrible that he wasn't around to help his people. Romeo and his parents sternly told Rodrigo that he was allowed to have a life and couldn’t always be around to defend his homeland. Rodrigo continues enjoying life with his girlfriend, and makes sure to protect his homeland as often as possible.


Rodrigo Seval is my second Beasterian character created for my FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse.

Rodrigo, to date, is the most expensive commercially commissioned character for my series. I spent 135 dollars to have him drawn. Part of it was because the artist himself had to really aid me in bringing my creation to life, since I struggle with anthropomorphic characters.

Rodrigo was originally going to be just another brawler character, but I decided that he needed something different from his cousin, Romeo.

Rodrigo has an elder brother named Lamberto who had disappeared from the island 100 years ago. It's something Rodrigo's parents rather not talk about since the situation leading up to Lamberto's disappearance wasn't a good one.

Rodrigo's girlfriend, Marisol, was originally going to be a Cambion, but I decided to make the character 100% human. I also hope to properly introduce Marisol in the near future.


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Bevan - The Male Kunoichi

Bevan Flores & Todoh 

Name: Bevan Johan Flores

Age: 27

Title: The Male Kunoichi 

Country: Born in Bolivia and moved to Mayland when he was 10 with family

Mother is Japanese/Brazilian and father is Bolivian 

More info will be in Bevan's full profile 


What brings you to my home? Ep.2 Choco Milk Shake

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Eaton's Skill Set

 Eaton Chu's Skill Set

Eaton (Left) & Da-Xia (Right)

Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

TRAIT: Mineral Spike - Eaton summons a spike made of various minerals from the ground to strike his opponent 

Special Attacks

1. Rock Shot: Eaton releases a rock projectile at his opponent. While the attack is fast the range is short

2. Explode (During Rock Shot): While the rock projectile is moving towards its target. Eaton can make the rock explode for more damage

3. Aqua Plane: Eaton surrounds his body in water before launching himself into the air

4. Watery Strikes: Eaton covers his fist in water before unleashing both a right jab and left jab against his opponent before using both hands to knock his opponent into the air


Fist Of The Earth: Eaton creates a gigantic fist using minerals and water before striking his opponent 

Check In do Amor - Parte 1 - ENG SUBS - BL: Boys Love

Thank You For Reading The Character Profiles

 A quick but huge THANK YOU to my mother who has been working very hard on editing the profiles for my FORBIDDEN characters. I also want to thank each and every one of you who took the time to read the character profiles. I hope to get a few more out before the end of this year and below are the ones you folks can expect to see in the future

1. Apollyn

2. Addison Reed

3. Nevin Silvers

4. Brandy

5. Bevan

6. Thor

7. Yura Mikan

8. Orellana 

9. Romeo N'al & Rodrigo Seval

Thank you again for supporting FORBIDDEN 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Profile: Jia Xiaoyu


"My fury against evil is like the Phoenix, it can never die!" - Jia Xiaoyu

Name: Jia Xiaoyu

Age: 28

Country: China

Height: 5'8”

Weight: 121 Pounds

Hair Color: Jet black with one of the ends of her hair being iguana green

Eye Color: Dandelion

Skin Color: Cream

Allies: Apollyn, Nara, August Starfinder, King Onyx, Vritra, Brody Zhang, Yura Mikan, James Del Soto, Nikiema

Powers: Jia Xiaoyu wields light based magic and is  proficient in Chinese Kickboxing

Likes: Her bestie Apollyn, her boyfriend Nara, parents, traveling, solving crime, helping people, painting, poetry, meditation, cooking

Dislikes: Wickedness, dealing with rude individuals such as Hellin & Lea, worrying about Nara's Darken self fully taking over, bad politics


Jia Xiaoyu is the daughter of renowned Chinese detective, Henry Li. Like her father, she, too, became a respected detective. She was taught by her mother, Lei-Fang, to use light magic while both parents trained her in Chinese kickboxing. Xiaoyu also possessed academic smarts beyond children her age, which led her to attend the 8th grade at only age seven. 

Because of her father's occupation, he made many enemies. One criminal in particular, by the name of Ron, escaped prison in Mongolia and sought vengeance against Henry. Ron kidnapped one of Henry's close friends and fellow detective, a woman named Wenjie. Ron then intentionally left clues for Henry to follow with a warning that if he dare told anyone that Wenjie would be killed. Ron was unaware that Henry was still on a case in Japan. Xiaoyu came home for college break and found Ron's note left for her father. She discovered that the terrible mobster, Ron, who her father put away many years ago, had kidnapped Wenjie. Despite her common sense, Xiaoyu took her father's place and followed Ron's clues to rescue Wenjie. 

Nearly twenty-four hours later, Xiaoyu ended up in Laos at an abandoned building where Ron was hiding while he held Wenjie captive. The mobster, who was prepared to murder Henry, was shocked to see a teenage girl standing before him. Ron realized it was Henry's daughter, Jia Xiaoyu. The question was, why was she there instead of her father? Xiaoyu explained to the escaped criminal that her father was away on an assignment and that she found the letter intended for him. Ron then thought to himself that he could make things even worse for Henry now that he also held his daughter at his mercy. Ron was painfully unaware that Xiaoyu's youth and delicate features belied a skilled sage and an even deadlier fighter. Ron quickly attempted to knock Xiaoyu out, but the young girl proved capable in combat against the brute. While dealing with Ron's poisonous attack wasn't easy, thanks to her light magic and fighting abilities, Xiaoyu managed to overpower Ron before delivering a killing blow to her opponent. 

Now with Ron dead, Xiaoyu rushed over to assist Wenjie and used her light magic to heal the detective’s wounds inflicted by her now deceased captor. Shortly after the events, Xiaoyu decided to pursue a career as a detective, which did not please her father one bit. Henry wanted Xiaoyu to become a teacher since it was a safer career. However, Xiaoyu was a headstrong young woman and refused to give into her father's demands. That led to the two not speaking for months. Years later, Xiaoyu proved to be a proficient detective and even rebuilt a relationship with her father, although some tension still remained between the two. 

One day after an incident in Paraguay, which a foreign client requested Xiaoyu to investigate, on the way to Paraguay, Xiaoyu met a demon named Apollyn. Apollyn was one of the seven current Demon Warlords of the Underworld. Unlike the other six current Warlords, Apollyn was childlike and a kind demon who possessed tremendous powers and mastery over dessert-themed attacks. Xiaoyu intervened on Apollyn's behalf when she was being mistreated by two civilians who despised demons. Taken aback by Xiaoyu’s kindness, Apollyn begged Xiaoyu to travel alongside her. The two became fast friends despite their differences in background. The two women went on to be a crime fighting duo for the next five years. 

Xiaoyu received a new foreign request from a client in Hawaii to investigate murders happening on the islands. Alongside Apollyn, Xiaoyu traveled to Hawaii in order to get to the bottom of the murders taking place. Shortly after investigating the islands, Xiaoyu met a man by the name of Nara Asamura. Despite their differences, the two became romantically involved. Once the situation in Hawaii was dealt with, Xiaoyu alongside her best friend, Apollyn, and boyfriend, Nara, became a crime fighting trio.


1. Jia Xiaoyu was inspired by Chun-Li from Street Fighter series and actress Kelly Hu.

2. Jia Xiaoyu was one of many characters that I brought from my original FORBIDDEN series that I had abandoned mid-story. I loved the character so much, though, that I made sure to use her again with some changes in my more recent FORBIDDEN series.

3. Originally, I intended for Jia Xiaoyu and Nara Asamura to only be good friends since at the time I planned for Nara to be gay. However, when I decided to keep Nara heterosexual, I also decided to make the two a couple as they were in my old story.

4. Xiaoyu is only four years older than Nara.

Male Model


Justin Leonard


Take Me Away

이상한 남자들이 찾아왔다 초코밀크쉐이크 Ep.1 ‘Choco Milk Shake’

Episode 1 of Korean BL (Boy Love ) "Choco Milk Shake" 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Profile: Mingxia


"Welcome to Toot Toot Affogato! Everything here can be yours for the right price, except the owner…’cause he's mine!" - Mingxia

Name: Mingxia

Country: China currently resides in Mayland

Age: 22

Height: 5'5”

Weight: 105 Pounds

Hair Color: Ginger

Eye Color: Baby Pink 

Skin Color: Winter Mood (a shade of white)

Family: Aiguo (Father) Fei (Mother) Xiang (Eldest Sister), Caihong (Second Eldest Sister), Dong-mei (Third Eldest Sister), Bingwen (Elder Brother), Zachary (Family pet/duck)

Likes: Utakata (her boss), culinary, ballet, cute things, satisfied customers, cupcakes

Dislikes: People who show romantic interest in Utakata, rude customers, bees, fighting, her mother's lecturing

Powers: Mingxia wields dessert-based magic and Snake Boxing (known as Shequan)

Allies: Utakata Affogato, Monique Sulfur, Apollyn, Brody Zhang, Jia Xiaoyu


The youngest of Aiguo's five children, Mingxia was born and raised in Guangzhou, China. Alongside her four elder siblings, Mingxia was taught by her parents the fighting style called Shequan (translation: Snake Boxing) in order to follow the family tradition of being hatchet people (another term for assassin). However, ever since the age of seven, Mingxia wanted to become a pastry chef. This revelation highly upset her mother but thanks to her father's intervention, Mingxia was sent to a school in Shanghai that taught orthodox magic, which included dessert-based magic. 

Once Mingxia reached legal age, she decided to leave China and start life in Mayland; especially after seeing a commercial of the attractive owner of Toot Toot Affogato, Utakata Affogato. Upon arriving in Mayland, Mingxia applied to work at the famous cafe and became an employee. While proving herself to be an efficient  worker, it was obvious that the young Chinese beauty's main reason for working there was to be around Utakata Affogato. She desired to seduce the owner into becoming her lover. However, Mingxia would have to work a lot harder than anticipated if she ever hoped to capture Utakata's heart.


1. Mingxia's design was inspired by the strawberry flavored cookies I purchased at Koufuku Market.

2. Mingxia also takes inspiration from the Soul Calibur 5 character Leixia.

3. Mingxia is the youngest of 5 children.

4. Mingxia was originally going to be one of many assassin type characters in the FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse, but I decided on a softer backstory for the character. However, her parents have an assassin origin.

5. Mingxia can act childlike at times. For her it's an act to gain sympathy, whereas for Apollyn it's her genuine persona.

Profile: Noella


"No, you can't tame me. I'm your type, though." - Iggy Azalea on her song "Lola"

Name: Noella Renee Ubertini

Age: 70

Race: Demi-God 

Country: Mayland, resides in the State of New York

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Honey Mustard

Skin Color: French Vanilla

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 122 Pounds

Family: Nerthus (Mother) Giovanni (Father), Daniello (Younger half-brother)

Allies: King Onyx, Giovanni Ubertini, Daniello Ubertini, Thor, Othello Strongs

Likes: Social Media, Hip Hop, Men (especially Middle Eastern Men), Apple Pie, Energy Drinks, Getting her nails done, younger brother, getting the latest cellphone

Dislikes: Boredom, Dragons (Not dragon type Beasterians such as Arkan just the traditional ones), people who are too uptight, graffiti, bluegrass (music genre)

Powers: As a demi-goddess, Noella possesses longevity, superhuman senses, endurance, and fortitude. Noella inherited her father's magical ability known as the "Star Core" (Translated from Italian), which allows Noella to manipulate colorful light energy and summon meteors.


Born shortly after the event known as The Five Year War, Noella is the offspring of an Italian sage named Giovanni Ubertini and the Goddess Nerthus from the realm Mystilia. Giovanni and Nerthus met each other at the Nicholas Bar located a few blocks from Junius Street in Brooklyn. The two had a one night stand and despite how uncommon it is for a mortal's sperm to impregnate a Goddess on the first sexual encounter, Nerthus noticed two weeks later, after having returned to her proper realm, that she was pregnant. While the idea of having a half-mortal child wasn't the Goddess's plan, she wasn't an idiot and knew that having unprotected sex could result in such an outcome. Some months later, the Goddess sought out Giovanni, who was busy doing the common work of a sage. Nerthus made Giovanni aware that she was expecting. While the part-time playboy wasn't thrilled by the revelation, especially since he had another child on the way with a woman he met in his native country of Italy, Giovanni knew he didn't want to incur the wrath of an actual Goddess, thus he accepted his responsibility. Two months later, Noella was born. A few months later, Noella's half-brother, Daniello, was born.

Years later, now an adult, Noella had zero interest in becoming a “hero” and following in her father’s footsteps despite her vast powers thanks to her divine heritage. Nor did she desire to live with her mother in the realm of Gods and Goddesses on a regular basis. Instead, Noella got a place on West 4th street in lower Manhattan and obtained work at an adult candy store called "The Sweet Spot". Noella hung out with either her brother or her good gal pals whenever she had downtime. While Noella is no hero, she knows King Onyx and Queen Othello. A dragon attack took place in Staten Island and she assisted them in bringing down the dragons. That’s also the reason Noella can't stand dragons and their non-beasterian variants.


Profile - Lapisara Pantiwa


"I detest people who don't know when to quit! Like, seriously, how many more times do you need to be kicked before you stay down?" - Lapisara 

Name: Lapisara Pantiwa 

Age: 22

Country: Thailand

Hair Color: Sky Blue

Eye Color: Sapphire formally dark brown

Skin Color: Light Cream

Height: 5'9”

Weight: 122 Pounds

Powers: Lapisara is able to infuse Ki energy and perform various lethal kick based attacks and has mild telepathic resistance 

Likes: Her parents, Master Chai, her best friend Mina, Oysters, Sepak takraw, mango with sticky rice

Dislikes: Spirits, the trio (Phukong, Boon-Mee, & Dorothea), Chai's strict training methods, BL dramas, pornography

Alias: Master Chai, Mina (Not A fighter just her best friend), Livonia


Lapirsara, a young and attractive woman, who was taught by her Master Chai to combat malicious spirits and mortals alike. A few years back, during her high school days, alongside her best friend, Mina, their high school  was plagued with malicious spirits that were causing their fellow students to commit suicide. While, thankfully, the spirits were handled by the trio of Phukong, Boon-Mee, and Dorothea, the situation traumatized Lapisara and, thus, she wanted to learn to combat spirits in the future. After finishing her high school education and before making her plans for college, Lapisara sought out an individual by the name of Chai. Chai was a Cambion Thai man who was born to a human father and demon mother. While nervous to meet the Cambion, because Lapisara wasn't too fond of demons, regardless if they were half-human or not, Master Chai was the only person recommended to her in Bangkok who could teach individuals to see and combat spirits.

Lapisara went to meet Master Chai at the temple owned by his father and requested him to train her. Master Chai first refused Lapisara but after the girl's constant pestering, the Cambion gave in as he struck Lapisara in the chest, which stopped her heart from beating and caused her to die. Fortunately, his intention was not to kill her permanently and he performed a technique to bring her back to life seconds later. The reason behind his action was because there are only being three ways to see and combat spirits. The first is being born with the natural ability to see and touch spirits. Those are individuals known as Spirit Touchers. The second is being blessed by a spell at a young age that permits one to see spirits upon hitting puberty. And last, temporarily killing a person in order for them to gain quick access to the Spirit Realm before being brought back to life swiftly. This allowed an individual to gain the ability to see spirits and to combat them.

Upon waking up in Master Chai's resting quarters, Lapisara noticed a mirror next to her. She looked into it saw that her eye color changed from brown to sapphire. Shortly afterwards, she found Master Chai meditating. Lapisara asked him what happened to her. She learned that he killed her in order to give her access to see and combat spirits. Lapisara freaked out at first, but once she calmed down she realized that this was what she wanted. The woman then asked Master Chai when he could start training her to combat spirits. The man told Lapisara to go home and if she was genuine to return the next day at 12 noon to start her vigorous training. 

Lapisara returned to the temple the following day, and Master Chai began the woman's training. Less than a few months later, Lapisara was able to perform devastating kicks and maneuver her body like a whip. These techniques allowed her to exorcise evil spirits and fight against evildoers. A year later, Lapisara was a proficient fighter and exorcist, yet her personality remained the same irksome woman that she was since childhood. Fortunately, Master Chai didn't allow his student's behavior to interfere with training, and Mina, who was Lapisara's best friend since they were children, was used to Lapisara's whiny and naggy demeanor. Lapisara even tried to take on a femme fatale persona. The problem was she couldn't maintain it well since it was not her genuine personality. Nonetheless, the young woman was thankful to have the tools to combat the things that once haunted her.


1. Lapisara's attacks are named after flowers, particularly ones found in Thailand.

2. Lapisara is influenced by the character Luong from THE KING OF FIGHTERS series.

Unlike Luong, who is a true femme fatale and a confident woman in her mannerisms,  Lapisara puts on an act. At the slightest inconvenience, her facade is shattered and the whiny personality comes out.

3. Lapisara had to be killed since she didn't possess the natural abilities to combat spirits nor was she blessed by a spell at infancy to see spirits.

4. Lapisara has an ahoge (an exaggerated cowlick hair style common in Japanese anime/manga).

5. Lapisara doesn't hate Phukong, Boon-Mee, and Dorothea, she simply doesn't like them.

Profile: Brody Zhang


"Yeah, many stars come to this place, but I'm the biggest one of all... as well as my mom, of course.” - Brody Zhang 

Name: Brody Lenard Zhang (Schwartz is his actual surname)

Alias: Mr. Cool Himself, Brody Bro, Maggie's boy, Exotic Superstar

Age: 30

Country: Mayland

Hair Color: Pink

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: French Vanilla

Family: Bruce Schwartz (Father) Maggie Zhang/Li (Mother), Zoey (Younger Sister), Henry Li (Uncle), Jia Xiaoyu (Cousin)

Powers: Brody's ass is the definition of jack of all trades and master of none. Brody can use various elemental spells such as fire, lighting, water, ice, and nature attacks. Brody is also proficient in Tai Chi.

Likes: Fame, being popular, modeling, filming, exercising, hanging out with friends, parties, sex, video games, designing his own clothes

Dislikes: Trolls on social media, paparazzi, fighting bad guys, Hellin's yelling, Onyx's yelling, unnecessary interviews, people who lack a sense of humor, country music

Allies: Jia Xiaoyu, King Onyx, Seanix Del Soto, Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, James Del Soto, Anna Del Soto, Yura Mikan, Thor, Shanna


Born and raised in Sacramento, California, Brody Schwartz, professionally known as Brody Zhang, is the son of renowned film director, Bruce Schwartz, and A-list actress, Maggie Zhang. Ever since Brody could remember, he knew he wanted to become an actor just like his mother. Early in life, Brody was enrolled in the Magical Arts School in Compton. Despite his efforts, no magic seemed to really suit him. He didn't excel in anything; just knew the basics of various magical arts. However, Brody was well-liked and admired by those around him and did fairly well in his non-magical academics. Acting class was where Brody truly shined and performed stupendously in whatever role he was given, big or small. After high school, Brody tried to break into acting by using his actual surname. Despite his talent, he only managed to land mediocre roles and constantly had to look for work. When Brody's mother learned that her son was struggling to break into acting on his own merits, Maggie decided to use her leverage in Hollywood to get Brody the stardom he deeply desired. That's when Brody's publicist reached out to him and told him she changed his name from Brody Schwartz to Brody Zhang, and that he was going to be the lead in an upcoming movie called "The Finalist". It was a horror movie that would prove to be the launching pad of Brody's young career. 

After the success of “The Finalist” along with its four sequels, Brody starred in several other big Hollywood movies. Despite nepotism opening the door for him, Brody proved to be a natural. He also proved to be quite the party lover, which often landed him in the media with unflattering gossip, very much to his parents’ chagrin. Nonetheless, despite some embarrassment in the public eye, Brody continued working in Hollywood and growing his fan base.

Despite all the craziness that took place within the Mortal Realm, Brody managed to avoid the really scary stuff. That is until one day, during the audition for the lead role in the movie "The Life Of Gabriel", a romantic drama that featured beloved starlet, Evalisse Belladonna, as the leading lady, Brody auditioned against another great Hollywood actor named Ronaldo Looney. The leading role went to Brody. That caused Ronaldo great anger because he viewed Brody as a jokester who was only getting by on mommy's name. Ronaldo decided that Brody needed to be handled. Ronaldo hired a Cambion female assassin to eliminate Brody during filming of "The Life Of Gabriel". 

Unbeknownst to any of them, King Onyx went to visit the director, Barry Newton, who was a friend of his. While on set, Onyx picked up on a murderous presence and discovered that Brody was the target. The assassin was ready to make her move but before she had a chance to take out Brody, Onyx intervened and used his mental powers to subdue Brody's would-be killer. Afterwards, Onyx used his powers to find out who hired the assassin. Upon doing so, Onyx immediately told Brody who was behind it all. Before Onyx could report what he learned to the authorities, Brody pleaded with the King to not rat out the one who hired the assassin and to allow him to deal with it instead. Brody then promised to help Onyx out with defending the Mortal Realm after dealing with a certain asshole.

Brody confronted Ronaldo at his engagement party to his fiance and blasted him with a bolt of electricity. Brody then told Ronaldo if he ever tried to have someone kill him again that he'd ruin his career, and Ronaldo would end up having to do porn to make a living. Since then, Brody continued working in Hollywood, but now also had the occasional duty of aiding Onyx and his various allies against threats throughout the Mortal Realm. Thankfully, it wasn't too often that such a task was required of him, but it did allow Brody to improve his magic. Although still a young actor with easily another 300 or so years before retiring, Brody can’t wait to see what the future has in store for him.


1. Brody is half-Chinese on his mother’s side and half-Maylandian on his father’s side.

2. Brody’s mother is the elder sister of Detective Henry Li. The reason Maggie changed her name from "Li" to "Zhang" is because her brother doesn’t want people to know they are related because of his profession as a detective and hers as an actress.

3. Brody's personality is very similar to the character "Hollywood" from the video game Agents of Mayhem & Johnny Cage from the Mortal Kombat series.

4. The reason behind Brody's multiple powers is because when I created the character, I couldn't decide which elemental powers I wanted him to be associated with, thus he became a "jack of all trades and master of none"  Sage/magic user.

5. Brody is sexually fluid. While the majority of his sexual conquests are women, he has slept with a few men. Brody does claim bisexual since he just enjoys the feeling of sex, but doesn't really get fixated on gender and sexuality. Brody just enjoys fucking hot people like himself. No need for labels, ladies and gents.

6. Besides being taught Tai Chi by his mother for self-defense, Brody was also taught Cantonese and Mandarin by his mother, French by his father, and, of course, learned English by being born and raised in Mayland.

7. His acting rival Ronaldo Looney's name is inspired by real life actors Leonardo DiCaprio and George Clooney.

Monica - Just Another Girl

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Forbidden Characters 10/23/2022


Lady Loki

Lady Loki is the Trickster Goddess from the realm of Mystilia and sister of Thor


Livonia is a skilled and merciless Demon Hunter that resides in England. Inspired by the story of Van Helsing

Dr. Corrington Fantasia

Dr. Corrington is a member of team Cyprine led by Sonia Brightwood. Dr. Corrington is half elf from his mother and half human from his father. More info on him in the future 

[MV] Mew Suppasit x SUHO - Turn Off The Alarm

Profile Shanna


"My name is Shanna and I represent the Pope's kindness and wrath." - Shanna

Name: Shanna Zoabi

Alias: The Vampiric Nun 

Age: 270

Birthday: May 5

Country: Israel

Race: Cambion (half-human and half-demon)

Hair Color: Verdant 

Eye Color: Red

Skin Color: Cream

Height: 5'8”

Weight: 120 Pounds

Powers: Shanna possesses basic demonic abilities such as regenerative powers, super strength, speed, durability, and heightened senses. Shanna also possesses the ability to drain her target's blood to increase her own strength, throwing magical projectiles, binding powers through prayer, and excels at hand-to-hand combat.

Allies: The Pope/Grandfather, Parents, Dorothea, Phukong, Boon-Mee, Okubi, Hellin Strongs, King Onyx, Anna Del Soto, Nikiema, Monica

Likes: The Church, Her Parents, The Pope, Prayers, Combating Heretics, Training her fellow Nuns, young children, blood, Shawarma, knitting

Dislikes: Mihoshi Strongs, Heresy, Weak-Willed Individuals, The Smell Of Cigarettes, Overly Sweet Foods, Fighting Off Her Blood Lust


Shanna is the daughter of a vampire demoness named Everly and a human father named Wilhelm Zoabi, who is the son of Israel's current Pope. Despite Shanna’s mother’s unwelcome heritage by many within the Church, upon learning that Everly and Wilhelm were madly in love with each other and even waited to consummate their union after marriage, the Pope forgave his son for bedding a demon and accepted his demon daughter-in-law into the Church. Shortly afterwards, Shanna was born and was raised at an early age to represent the Catholic Church and abide by its beliefs. Shanna was a quick study. Between proper demonic training from her mother and the teachings of the Church, Shanna quickly rose to prominence by the time she was twenty years old (very young for a demon but mature by mortal standards). Shanna honored the Catholic Church by punishing heretics and aiding those who needed her help whenever  possible. This only improved the social standing of the Church, and made the people very happy with the Pope and his message of love and wisdom. While there are still mixed feelings because of her demonic lineage, Shanna has proven herself worthy of representing the will of the Pope and the Church by extension.


1. Shanna is inspired by Queen's Blade Rebellion character Sigui. However, unlike Sigui who is fully human, Shanna is half-human and half-demon.

2. Shanna mostly refers to herself simply as Shanna, but her full name is indeed Shanna Zoabi.

3. Shanna visited Babylon when she was sixty years of age. She has mixed feelings about Hellin, but respects the heroism she has done in the Mortal Realm. She doesn't care for Queen Othello's jezebel behavior, but respects her position as one of the Underworld's many rulers. Shanna; however, absolutely detests Mihoshi and her unyielding love for money. She, of course, respects Orsela Geno.

4. Shanna is also inspired by the character Shanoa from Castelvania.

5. Shanna is created and owned by me, but her design was greatly improved by my friend, the artist, Pondersleuth.

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc