Sunday, October 30, 2022

Profiles - Romeo N'al & Rodrigo Seval


"Whether it's my fist or my dick, I make sure to leave an impression." - Romeo N'al

Name: Romeo N'al

Age: 28

Country: Beastia

Height: 6'4”

Weight: 225 Pounds

Eye Color: Citrine 

Fur Color: Tangerine color fur with cerulean colored stripes 

Powers: Romeo possesses heightened senses, agility, dexterity, superhuman strength, durability, and Ki energy manipulation

Allies: Hellin Strongs, Lea Stallard, Orsela Geno, Trevyn Aliyu, August Starfinder, Scylla Baros, Rodrigo Seval, Kekoa, James Del Soto

Likes: Attractive people, anal sex, training, squats, coconut water, swimming, sparring, jazz music

Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, religion, sour cream, anyone touching his tail without his consent, drama movies


Romeo is a tiger-type Beasterian from the country of Beastia, which neighbors the countries of Mayland and Hawaii. Romeo was taught at a young age by his parents alongside his cousin, Rodrigo, to manipulate Ki energy in order to become proficient fighters. Unlike Rodrigo, who is also a Natural who possesses nature-based abilities, Romeo solely relied on manipulating Ki energy and becoming highly skilled in various styles of karate. In due time, Romeo became one of the strongest fighters in Beastia. 

One day while training, a group of demons opened a portal in Beastia to hunt for some Beasterians to devour. Fortunately, Hellin along with Lea, Orsela, James, and Scylla arrived on scene because they were tipped off by Madame Xi. Romeo fought alongside the heroes and slayed the majority of the demons with only a small handful running away. Impressed by Romeo's fighting abilities, Hellin referred Romeo to Onyx. Afterwards, Romeo would be someone Hellin and the others could rely on to aid them in various crises within the Mortal Realm. Of course, that didn’t mean Romeo didn't continue to enjoy his simplistic life as often as possible. 


Romeo was my first Beasterian character I ever created for my FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse.

Romeo is a bisexual and enjoys anal sex. Romeo is the one doing the fucking, by the way.

Romeo, at his angriest, can shatter a tree with one strike.

Romeo is one of the strongest hand-to-hand combatants in the Mortal Realm. The others being Hellin, Chia-hao, King Onyx, Yura Mikan, Trevyn Aliyu, and quite a handful more.

Romeo has a younger sister named Nyla. They are 15 years apart, whereas he's only five years younger than his cousin, Rodrigo. Romeo has a stronger relationship with his cousin who he views as an older brother.

Originally, Romeo was a baby blue colored tiger-type Beasterian, but ultimately I was unhappy with it. So, I  had him drawn by another artist to appear as he does now.

Romeo has hooked up with Lea several times since they met. Of course, Lea was already legal age.


“By nature, I'm a naturally soft-hearted individual, but do not anger me unless you wish to feel my wrath!" - Rodrigo Seval

Name: Rodrigo Stem Seval

Age: 33

Country: Beasteria

Height: 6'4”

Weight: 251 Pounds

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Lime

Fur & Skin Color: Light green fur with black stripes

Powers: Rodrigo is a skilled fighter who excels in several different martial arts. Rodrigo can also manipulate Ki energy, and as a Natural possesses nature-based energy that amplifies his other abilities

Allies: Romeo N'al, Utakata Affogato, Mihoshi Strongs, Mistyak Asamura, Monique Sulfur

Likes: His family, his girlfriend Marisol, training, meditating, poetry, instrumental music (no vocals)

Dislikes: Alcohol, spicy foods, rude tourists, laziness, cowards, bees (not Bee type beasterians of course)


Rodrigo Seval is a lion-type beasterian and the elder cousin of Romeo and Nyla. At an early age, Rodrigo was taught how to fight and manipulate Ki energy by his elders, along with the discovery that Rodrigo was a Natural who possessed nature-based abilities. In a short time span, Rodrigo grew up to be a fighting prodigy in his country. Once he was an adult, he, too, would take on the responsibility of training his fellow Beasterians in the ways of hand-to-hand combat. Of course, many other Beasterians either took up learning traditional magic or possessed their own unique fighting abilities. 

Shortly afterwards, Rodrigo met a gorgeous, buxom human woman by the name of Marisol. She was a Sage from Turmeric Village, one of the seventy-five states within the country of Mayland. The two immediately hit it off and began dating. Rodrigo heard about the news of demons invading Beasteria from Romeo while he was away with Marisol. Thankfully help arrived and no Beasterians were killed that day. Rodrigo felt terrible that he wasn't around to help his people. Romeo and his parents sternly told Rodrigo that he was allowed to have a life and couldn’t always be around to defend his homeland. Rodrigo continues enjoying life with his girlfriend, and makes sure to protect his homeland as often as possible.


Rodrigo Seval is my second Beasterian character created for my FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse.

Rodrigo, to date, is the most expensive commercially commissioned character for my series. I spent 135 dollars to have him drawn. Part of it was because the artist himself had to really aid me in bringing my creation to life, since I struggle with anthropomorphic characters.

Rodrigo was originally going to be just another brawler character, but I decided that he needed something different from his cousin, Romeo.

Rodrigo has an elder brother named Lamberto who had disappeared from the island 100 years ago. It's something Rodrigo's parents rather not talk about since the situation leading up to Lamberto's disappearance wasn't a good one.

Rodrigo's girlfriend, Marisol, was originally going to be a Cambion, but I decided to make the character 100% human. I also hope to properly introduce Marisol in the near future.


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