Monday, October 24, 2022

Profile: Mingxia


"Welcome to Toot Toot Affogato! Everything here can be yours for the right price, except the owner…’cause he's mine!" - Mingxia

Name: Mingxia

Country: China currently resides in Mayland

Age: 22

Height: 5'5”

Weight: 105 Pounds

Hair Color: Ginger

Eye Color: Baby Pink 

Skin Color: Winter Mood (a shade of white)

Family: Aiguo (Father) Fei (Mother) Xiang (Eldest Sister), Caihong (Second Eldest Sister), Dong-mei (Third Eldest Sister), Bingwen (Elder Brother), Zachary (Family pet/duck)

Likes: Utakata (her boss), culinary, ballet, cute things, satisfied customers, cupcakes

Dislikes: People who show romantic interest in Utakata, rude customers, bees, fighting, her mother's lecturing

Powers: Mingxia wields dessert-based magic and Snake Boxing (known as Shequan)

Allies: Utakata Affogato, Monique Sulfur, Apollyn, Brody Zhang, Jia Xiaoyu


The youngest of Aiguo's five children, Mingxia was born and raised in Guangzhou, China. Alongside her four elder siblings, Mingxia was taught by her parents the fighting style called Shequan (translation: Snake Boxing) in order to follow the family tradition of being hatchet people (another term for assassin). However, ever since the age of seven, Mingxia wanted to become a pastry chef. This revelation highly upset her mother but thanks to her father's intervention, Mingxia was sent to a school in Shanghai that taught orthodox magic, which included dessert-based magic. 

Once Mingxia reached legal age, she decided to leave China and start life in Mayland; especially after seeing a commercial of the attractive owner of Toot Toot Affogato, Utakata Affogato. Upon arriving in Mayland, Mingxia applied to work at the famous cafe and became an employee. While proving herself to be an efficient  worker, it was obvious that the young Chinese beauty's main reason for working there was to be around Utakata Affogato. She desired to seduce the owner into becoming her lover. However, Mingxia would have to work a lot harder than anticipated if she ever hoped to capture Utakata's heart.


1. Mingxia's design was inspired by the strawberry flavored cookies I purchased at Koufuku Market.

2. Mingxia also takes inspiration from the Soul Calibur 5 character Leixia.

3. Mingxia is the youngest of 5 children.

4. Mingxia was originally going to be one of many assassin type characters in the FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse, but I decided on a softer backstory for the character. However, her parents have an assassin origin.

5. Mingxia can act childlike at times. For her it's an act to gain sympathy, whereas for Apollyn it's her genuine persona.

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