Sunday, October 9, 2022

Profile - Gennifer The Necromancer


"You know the saying, “misery loves company”? Well, that's Gennifer to a T." - Okubi Dreamtime on Gennifer 

Name: Gennifer Blix

Alias: The Necromancer, The Instigator, Dirty Genny

Age: 273

Country: Scotland 

Hair Color: Rose Red

Skin Color: Green (Formally beige)

Eye Color: Dark Green (Formally brown)

Species: Darken (formally human)

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 118 Pounds 

Powers: Necromancy + Dark Magic

Likes: Causing mischief, masturbation, meatloaf, caramel apples

Dislikes: People, demons, fairies, beasterians, orcs, elves

Allies: Naazim, Monique Sulfur, Okubi Dreamtime, Utakata Affogato, Scora Youth, Hecate


Gennifer, the Necromancer, is one of the members of the Wicked Seven, yet she is the only one who truly lives up to the wicked moniker. Before becoming the sadistic woman she is today, Gennifer was once a normal, timid woman who lived in Scotland. Gennifer gave birth to her only son, Ethan, over 240 years ago after having the sperm of a selected donor inserted in her. Gennifer enjoyed raising her baby boy and was quite upset when he grew old enough and began studying magic. Yet, she loved her baby so much that she believed in her heart that he would grow up to be a powerful sage. Shortly afterwards, Ethan joined a guild of other young sages in Scotland and began going on various missions. The first few years, despite Gennifer’s concerns, Ethan always came home after his dangerous missions. Sadly, Ethan's lucky streak came to an end as one day Ethan's guild mates told Gennifer the bad news that Ethan died combating a powerful witch. Devastated beyond words, Gennifer first outright denied that her baby boy was dead. Reality seeped in upon attending Ethan's funeral. For the very first time in her life, Gennifer showed anger as she cursed out everyone and blamed Ethan's teammates for failing to save her son. She damned all sages and wished  that demons would come eat them all up!

A week later, still mourning her son's loss and unable to accept his death, Gennifer began searching for a way to bring him back from the dead. Despite how much she detested magic, there was nothing Gennifer wouldn't do to have her baby boy back in her arms. Studying magic earnestly, Gennifer tried to apply what she learned. Despite her best efforts, nothing she did brought her any closer to bringing Ethan back to life. Refusing to give up, Gennifer eventually sought out a demon by the name of Etigur, who could grant a mortal a single wish at a cost. One night at the graveyard where her son laid buried, Gennifer awaited the arrival of the demon. Stepping out of the portal from the Underworld, a handsome purple- skinned demon, dressed in a black suit with a red tie, appeared before the mournful mother. Gennifer was scared but was willing to do anything to have Ethan back. Etigur told Gennifer that she must offer her body to him in order for him to bring back her baby boy. Gennifer, a virgin, was mortified by the idea of having a penis inside her. Ignoring her fear, Gennifer stripped naked as Etigur had his way with her. Etigur transformed into his demonic self with a multitude of tentacles. Every time Etigur climaxed inside of Gennifer, he released a demonic ooze that was turning her into a Darken.

Gennifer’s skin changed from beige to green and her pupil's color changed from brown to dark green. Gennifer felt the evil growing inside of her, yet was able to hold onto her humanity despite the struggle within. Once Etigur finally finished fucking Gennifer in every hole imaginable, he reverted back to his human appearance as he dressed himself. Feeling the powers searing through her body, Gennifer asked the demon if he could bring her son back now. Etigur coldly responded, “Why don't you do it? I fucked the power inside of you, whore!" Confused by the demon's message at first, she then realized she was no longer a regular human but a cursed Darken. Gennifer attempted to use her newfound powers to bring her son back. Despite multiple attempts, Ethan showed no sign of coming back to life. 

Enraged, she realized Etigur tricked her. Gennifer angrily asked the demon, "Why did you deceive me?" 

Etigur smiled a sinister grin as he said to her, "I didn't deceive you, you stupid whore! I did indeed give you the power to raise the dead... except for the very one you love." Etigur then laughed menacingly as Gennifer burst into tears. 

Gennifer, during her anger, realized she was at a gravesite. Since she couldn’t bring her baby back, she'd use the other deceased to make Etigur pay. Using the magical knowledge she possessed, Gennifer raised the dead all around Etigur. She didn’t bring them fully back to life, instead she made them zombies. The zombies quickly swarmed Etigur. Despite the demon's best efforts, the zombies consumed him until he was nothing but bone. Gennifer then ordered the zombies back into their ditches and they returned to nothingness.

Ever since that faithful night, Gennifer completely abandoned her humanity and decided from that day forward to be one of the worst living beings in the Mortal Realm; using her powers to only cause mischief and to manipulate tortured souls. A century later, Gennifer met a man named Naazim who was aware of Gennifer's misdeeds. While Naazim was far from afraid of the Necromancer and believed a mad woman like her belonged behind bars, he also knew, thanks to his foresight abilities, that Gennifer would be more useful to him than if she was locked away. He knew as well that no matter what he offered her that Gennifer would remain loyal only to herself. Thus, Naazim made his offer to her as bluntly as possible and made his next move based on how she responded. Gennifer accepted the man's offer to aid him only if he did not impede on her own fun. Naazim agreed, and that's how Gennifer became part of the Seven Wicked Witches.


1. Gennifer's design is inspired by the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz.

2. Gennifer is my first female Darken in the series. The established male Darkens are Nara Asamura and Bain Vasquez.

3. Gennifer is responsible for resurrecting Love/Ilese Fervent.

4. Gennifer loathes her fellow witches and merely tolerates them.

5. Gennifer has very sadistic mannerisms.

6. Outside of necromancy, Gennifer utilizes dark themed magic.

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