Sunday, October 9, 2022

Profile - Kekoa


"Courage is resistance to fear, the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear" - Mark Twain 

Name: Kekoa 

Age: 245

Country: Beastia 

Hair: 6'2”

Weight: 315 Pounds

Hair Color: Black with gray highlights 

Eye Color: Green

Skin Color: Blue-Gray 

Powers: Kekoa as a shark-type beasterian that can swim and breathe under water. Kekoa can also perform various water based attacks. Kekoa possesses super strength, durability, and increased agility while in water.

Allies: Adeel Alvi, Zeke & Lugor, Monique Sulfur, Utakata Affogato, Katy Hate, Pamela

Likes: His homeland, parents, siblings, worthy battles, cranberries, tuna, salmon, teaching visitors how to swim

Dislikes: Octopus, wearing underwear (he prefers being naked), people who talk using big words, senseless violence


Born and raised on the prehistoric island with modern accommodations known as Beastia, which is one of the two islands that neighbors the country of Mayland; the other being Hawaii, Kekoa lived a normal life raised by his parents along with his two younger siblings. They were raised to protect and cherish their homeland and value their traditions. Life was relatively simple for the citizens of Beastia, minus dragon attacks every now and then along with problematic demons, witches, and darkens. Fortunately, Kekoa, himself, never faced any personal tragedies since his loved ones lived fairly peaceful lives as well. 

Unfortunately, during the event known as The Five Year War, started by a madman named Akodomal, an exiled god from the realm Mystilia, the home of various gods and goddesses, Akodomal, along with his many cohorts, decided to unleash their fury upon the Mortal Realm. Many places and countries were affected by the cruel god's actions and Beastia was no exception. Thankfully, the joint efforts of Sages from Mayland, Hawaii, and even Russia helped aid the citizens of Beastia in defending their homeland and minimized damages and deaths. After Akodomal was defeated and slain, life in the Mortal Realm finally returned to normal after everything that transpired during those five years. 

Kekoa decided that he wanted to venture outside of his homeland in order to appreciate the world beyond his realm. Venturing throughout Mayland for many years, the Beasterian befriended a lot of upstart heroes, adventurers, and even encountered those who also fought in the Five Year War, such as Monique. While Kekoa doesn't consider himself a "hero" in the traditional sense, Kekoa would gladly aid all those who fight against injustice.


1. Kekoa is the first FORBIDDEN character that is fully owned by me but was originally created by the artist Blueglueclue on Twitter. Upon purchasing Kekoa from him, I obtained the full rights to the character

BlueGlueClue on Twitter -

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