Monday, October 24, 2022

Profile: Brody Zhang


"Yeah, many stars come to this place, but I'm the biggest one of all... as well as my mom, of course.” - Brody Zhang 

Name: Brody Lenard Zhang (Schwartz is his actual surname)

Alias: Mr. Cool Himself, Brody Bro, Maggie's boy, Exotic Superstar

Age: 30

Country: Mayland

Hair Color: Pink

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: French Vanilla

Family: Bruce Schwartz (Father) Maggie Zhang/Li (Mother), Zoey (Younger Sister), Henry Li (Uncle), Jia Xiaoyu (Cousin)

Powers: Brody's ass is the definition of jack of all trades and master of none. Brody can use various elemental spells such as fire, lighting, water, ice, and nature attacks. Brody is also proficient in Tai Chi.

Likes: Fame, being popular, modeling, filming, exercising, hanging out with friends, parties, sex, video games, designing his own clothes

Dislikes: Trolls on social media, paparazzi, fighting bad guys, Hellin's yelling, Onyx's yelling, unnecessary interviews, people who lack a sense of humor, country music

Allies: Jia Xiaoyu, King Onyx, Seanix Del Soto, Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, James Del Soto, Anna Del Soto, Yura Mikan, Thor, Shanna


Born and raised in Sacramento, California, Brody Schwartz, professionally known as Brody Zhang, is the son of renowned film director, Bruce Schwartz, and A-list actress, Maggie Zhang. Ever since Brody could remember, he knew he wanted to become an actor just like his mother. Early in life, Brody was enrolled in the Magical Arts School in Compton. Despite his efforts, no magic seemed to really suit him. He didn't excel in anything; just knew the basics of various magical arts. However, Brody was well-liked and admired by those around him and did fairly well in his non-magical academics. Acting class was where Brody truly shined and performed stupendously in whatever role he was given, big or small. After high school, Brody tried to break into acting by using his actual surname. Despite his talent, he only managed to land mediocre roles and constantly had to look for work. When Brody's mother learned that her son was struggling to break into acting on his own merits, Maggie decided to use her leverage in Hollywood to get Brody the stardom he deeply desired. That's when Brody's publicist reached out to him and told him she changed his name from Brody Schwartz to Brody Zhang, and that he was going to be the lead in an upcoming movie called "The Finalist". It was a horror movie that would prove to be the launching pad of Brody's young career. 

After the success of “The Finalist” along with its four sequels, Brody starred in several other big Hollywood movies. Despite nepotism opening the door for him, Brody proved to be a natural. He also proved to be quite the party lover, which often landed him in the media with unflattering gossip, very much to his parents’ chagrin. Nonetheless, despite some embarrassment in the public eye, Brody continued working in Hollywood and growing his fan base.

Despite all the craziness that took place within the Mortal Realm, Brody managed to avoid the really scary stuff. That is until one day, during the audition for the lead role in the movie "The Life Of Gabriel", a romantic drama that featured beloved starlet, Evalisse Belladonna, as the leading lady, Brody auditioned against another great Hollywood actor named Ronaldo Looney. The leading role went to Brody. That caused Ronaldo great anger because he viewed Brody as a jokester who was only getting by on mommy's name. Ronaldo decided that Brody needed to be handled. Ronaldo hired a Cambion female assassin to eliminate Brody during filming of "The Life Of Gabriel". 

Unbeknownst to any of them, King Onyx went to visit the director, Barry Newton, who was a friend of his. While on set, Onyx picked up on a murderous presence and discovered that Brody was the target. The assassin was ready to make her move but before she had a chance to take out Brody, Onyx intervened and used his mental powers to subdue Brody's would-be killer. Afterwards, Onyx used his powers to find out who hired the assassin. Upon doing so, Onyx immediately told Brody who was behind it all. Before Onyx could report what he learned to the authorities, Brody pleaded with the King to not rat out the one who hired the assassin and to allow him to deal with it instead. Brody then promised to help Onyx out with defending the Mortal Realm after dealing with a certain asshole.

Brody confronted Ronaldo at his engagement party to his fiance and blasted him with a bolt of electricity. Brody then told Ronaldo if he ever tried to have someone kill him again that he'd ruin his career, and Ronaldo would end up having to do porn to make a living. Since then, Brody continued working in Hollywood, but now also had the occasional duty of aiding Onyx and his various allies against threats throughout the Mortal Realm. Thankfully, it wasn't too often that such a task was required of him, but it did allow Brody to improve his magic. Although still a young actor with easily another 300 or so years before retiring, Brody can’t wait to see what the future has in store for him.


1. Brody is half-Chinese on his mother’s side and half-Maylandian on his father’s side.

2. Brody’s mother is the elder sister of Detective Henry Li. The reason Maggie changed her name from "Li" to "Zhang" is because her brother doesn’t want people to know they are related because of his profession as a detective and hers as an actress.

3. Brody's personality is very similar to the character "Hollywood" from the video game Agents of Mayhem & Johnny Cage from the Mortal Kombat series.

4. The reason behind Brody's multiple powers is because when I created the character, I couldn't decide which elemental powers I wanted him to be associated with, thus he became a "jack of all trades and master of none"  Sage/magic user.

5. Brody is sexually fluid. While the majority of his sexual conquests are women, he has slept with a few men. Brody does claim bisexual since he just enjoys the feeling of sex, but doesn't really get fixated on gender and sexuality. Brody just enjoys fucking hot people like himself. No need for labels, ladies and gents.

6. Besides being taught Tai Chi by his mother for self-defense, Brody was also taught Cantonese and Mandarin by his mother, French by his father, and, of course, learned English by being born and raised in Mayland.

7. His acting rival Ronaldo Looney's name is inspired by real life actors Leonardo DiCaprio and George Clooney.

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