Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Profile: Jia Xiaoyu


"My fury against evil is like the Phoenix, it can never die!" - Jia Xiaoyu

Name: Jia Xiaoyu

Age: 28

Country: China

Height: 5'8”

Weight: 121 Pounds

Hair Color: Jet black with one of the ends of her hair being iguana green

Eye Color: Dandelion

Skin Color: Cream

Allies: Apollyn, Nara, August Starfinder, King Onyx, Vritra, Brody Zhang, Yura Mikan, James Del Soto, Nikiema

Powers: Jia Xiaoyu wields light based magic and is  proficient in Chinese Kickboxing

Likes: Her bestie Apollyn, her boyfriend Nara, parents, traveling, solving crime, helping people, painting, poetry, meditation, cooking

Dislikes: Wickedness, dealing with rude individuals such as Hellin & Lea, worrying about Nara's Darken self fully taking over, bad politics


Jia Xiaoyu is the daughter of renowned Chinese detective, Henry Li. Like her father, she, too, became a respected detective. She was taught by her mother, Lei-Fang, to use light magic while both parents trained her in Chinese kickboxing. Xiaoyu also possessed academic smarts beyond children her age, which led her to attend the 8th grade at only age seven. 

Because of her father's occupation, he made many enemies. One criminal in particular, by the name of Ron, escaped prison in Mongolia and sought vengeance against Henry. Ron kidnapped one of Henry's close friends and fellow detective, a woman named Wenjie. Ron then intentionally left clues for Henry to follow with a warning that if he dare told anyone that Wenjie would be killed. Ron was unaware that Henry was still on a case in Japan. Xiaoyu came home for college break and found Ron's note left for her father. She discovered that the terrible mobster, Ron, who her father put away many years ago, had kidnapped Wenjie. Despite her common sense, Xiaoyu took her father's place and followed Ron's clues to rescue Wenjie. 

Nearly twenty-four hours later, Xiaoyu ended up in Laos at an abandoned building where Ron was hiding while he held Wenjie captive. The mobster, who was prepared to murder Henry, was shocked to see a teenage girl standing before him. Ron realized it was Henry's daughter, Jia Xiaoyu. The question was, why was she there instead of her father? Xiaoyu explained to the escaped criminal that her father was away on an assignment and that she found the letter intended for him. Ron then thought to himself that he could make things even worse for Henry now that he also held his daughter at his mercy. Ron was painfully unaware that Xiaoyu's youth and delicate features belied a skilled sage and an even deadlier fighter. Ron quickly attempted to knock Xiaoyu out, but the young girl proved capable in combat against the brute. While dealing with Ron's poisonous attack wasn't easy, thanks to her light magic and fighting abilities, Xiaoyu managed to overpower Ron before delivering a killing blow to her opponent. 

Now with Ron dead, Xiaoyu rushed over to assist Wenjie and used her light magic to heal the detective’s wounds inflicted by her now deceased captor. Shortly after the events, Xiaoyu decided to pursue a career as a detective, which did not please her father one bit. Henry wanted Xiaoyu to become a teacher since it was a safer career. However, Xiaoyu was a headstrong young woman and refused to give into her father's demands. That led to the two not speaking for months. Years later, Xiaoyu proved to be a proficient detective and even rebuilt a relationship with her father, although some tension still remained between the two. 

One day after an incident in Paraguay, which a foreign client requested Xiaoyu to investigate, on the way to Paraguay, Xiaoyu met a demon named Apollyn. Apollyn was one of the seven current Demon Warlords of the Underworld. Unlike the other six current Warlords, Apollyn was childlike and a kind demon who possessed tremendous powers and mastery over dessert-themed attacks. Xiaoyu intervened on Apollyn's behalf when she was being mistreated by two civilians who despised demons. Taken aback by Xiaoyu’s kindness, Apollyn begged Xiaoyu to travel alongside her. The two became fast friends despite their differences in background. The two women went on to be a crime fighting duo for the next five years. 

Xiaoyu received a new foreign request from a client in Hawaii to investigate murders happening on the islands. Alongside Apollyn, Xiaoyu traveled to Hawaii in order to get to the bottom of the murders taking place. Shortly after investigating the islands, Xiaoyu met a man by the name of Nara Asamura. Despite their differences, the two became romantically involved. Once the situation in Hawaii was dealt with, Xiaoyu alongside her best friend, Apollyn, and boyfriend, Nara, became a crime fighting trio.


1. Jia Xiaoyu was inspired by Chun-Li from Street Fighter series and actress Kelly Hu.

2. Jia Xiaoyu was one of many characters that I brought from my original FORBIDDEN series that I had abandoned mid-story. I loved the character so much, though, that I made sure to use her again with some changes in my more recent FORBIDDEN series.

3. Originally, I intended for Jia Xiaoyu and Nara Asamura to only be good friends since at the time I planned for Nara to be gay. However, when I decided to keep Nara heterosexual, I also decided to make the two a couple as they were in my old story.

4. Xiaoyu is only four years older than Nara.

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