Monday, October 24, 2022

Profile: Noella


"No, you can't tame me. I'm your type, though." - Iggy Azalea on her song "Lola"

Name: Noella Renee Ubertini

Age: 70

Race: Demi-God 

Country: Mayland, resides in the State of New York

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Honey Mustard

Skin Color: French Vanilla

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 122 Pounds

Family: Nerthus (Mother) Giovanni (Father), Daniello (Younger half-brother)

Allies: King Onyx, Giovanni Ubertini, Daniello Ubertini, Thor, Othello Strongs

Likes: Social Media, Hip Hop, Men (especially Middle Eastern Men), Apple Pie, Energy Drinks, Getting her nails done, younger brother, getting the latest cellphone

Dislikes: Boredom, Dragons (Not dragon type Beasterians such as Arkan just the traditional ones), people who are too uptight, graffiti, bluegrass (music genre)

Powers: As a demi-goddess, Noella possesses longevity, superhuman senses, endurance, and fortitude. Noella inherited her father's magical ability known as the "Star Core" (Translated from Italian), which allows Noella to manipulate colorful light energy and summon meteors.


Born shortly after the event known as The Five Year War, Noella is the offspring of an Italian sage named Giovanni Ubertini and the Goddess Nerthus from the realm Mystilia. Giovanni and Nerthus met each other at the Nicholas Bar located a few blocks from Junius Street in Brooklyn. The two had a one night stand and despite how uncommon it is for a mortal's sperm to impregnate a Goddess on the first sexual encounter, Nerthus noticed two weeks later, after having returned to her proper realm, that she was pregnant. While the idea of having a half-mortal child wasn't the Goddess's plan, she wasn't an idiot and knew that having unprotected sex could result in such an outcome. Some months later, the Goddess sought out Giovanni, who was busy doing the common work of a sage. Nerthus made Giovanni aware that she was expecting. While the part-time playboy wasn't thrilled by the revelation, especially since he had another child on the way with a woman he met in his native country of Italy, Giovanni knew he didn't want to incur the wrath of an actual Goddess, thus he accepted his responsibility. Two months later, Noella was born. A few months later, Noella's half-brother, Daniello, was born.

Years later, now an adult, Noella had zero interest in becoming a “hero” and following in her father’s footsteps despite her vast powers thanks to her divine heritage. Nor did she desire to live with her mother in the realm of Gods and Goddesses on a regular basis. Instead, Noella got a place on West 4th street in lower Manhattan and obtained work at an adult candy store called "The Sweet Spot". Noella hung out with either her brother or her good gal pals whenever she had downtime. While Noella is no hero, she knows King Onyx and Queen Othello. A dragon attack took place in Staten Island and she assisted them in bringing down the dragons. That’s also the reason Noella can't stand dragons and their non-beasterian variants.


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