Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Unflawed - FORBIDDEN Special Story



by Onyxe Blade


Hellin Strongs, the Princess of Babylon and the trusted ally of King Onyx, just finished an assignment alongside her teammates Orsela, Scylla, Trevyn, August, and Lea. While there are many, many heroes in the Mortal Realm, these individuals are known as The Core Six. Despite being born during different times and their individual upbringings, these six, when paired together, make an incredible team. Today was no exception as they took down a group of wicked sages hidden in Seoul, Korea. 

Either Hellin or Lea could simply teleport the heroes back to Mayland or wherever they desired, but because none of them had any plans for the rest of the day, the six decided to take a stroll around the area. While the six heroes/friends talked among themselves, they suddenly heard the sound of someone weeping in the distance. The girls, especially Scylla, were irritated, but August and Trevyn shot them a look that told them to be more sympathetic. Hellin let out a sigh of annoyance before using her telepathic powers to lead them to the source of the sobbing. No more than three minutes later, they saw a young Korean man with sea green short and silky hair, wearing square framed glasses, a bomber jacket and shorts matching his hairstyle. He sat near a tree while holding an urn in hand. It didn't take a rocket scientist or even someone as oblivious as the Demon Warlord of Gluttony, Apollyn, to realize why the young Korean man was sobbing. The heroes felt bad for him and considered approaching the stranger. At the same time, didn't want to disturb his grieving.

August stated that it would be best for them to just be on their way and let the boy grieve in peace. Hellin, who used her telepathy to read the boy's mind, learned the boy's name was Han Woo and that the person he was grieving was his old friend, Kang Soon, whom he looked up to. Kang lost his life eleven years ago, protecting Han Woo against a sage who sought out individuals to drain their life force. Knowing the reason for the young man's sorrow and that he's been carrying this pain for years, Hellin considered using her telepathy to lessen the man's pain by decreasing his emotional attachment to his deceased friend. However, she remembered something both Onyx and Madame Xi had told her. Never use her telepathy to play God. It's not that Hellin gave two fucks about "playing God", but she respected that an individual needed to deal with their emotions appropriately and not through divine influence. Thus, Hellin followed behind her friends as they left the man. She noticed that Lea seem bothered by just leaving the grieving man behind.


Presently in Plutonia, the country where Lea and her family resided and ruled over, the heroes all sat in Princess Lea’s fabulously designed room. There was Hellin alongside Orsela, Scylla, Trevyn, August, and Angelina Murai. Angelina finished dealing with her own agenda in her homeland of Japan before being picked up by Hellin. Princess Lea was suffering from a terrible Power Fever (a power fever is a sign when a sage's powers are growing. The fever can last a few days or a week before the power surge is complete. It's an excruciating experience but with proper care, the sage experiencing such symptoms will survive and receive a power boost). Despite having her hair and face done and wearing an ivory dress, Lea just lay in her bed. The Princess lay in bed feeling like dogshit as her friends watched her with both concern and annoyance.

Hellin: Lea! It's fucking obvious that you're suffering a Power Fever! How the fuck is us being here with you going to make any fucking difference?

Orsela: Besides, between your parents, your siblings, and servants, you have all the support you need until you recover.

Scylla: Furthermore, exactly what fucking power boost are you getting, bitch? Unless it's to teleport yourself into a black hole and never be seen again.

Lea: Fuck you, bitch! Whatever it is, it will be a lot better than you turning your legs into serpents. Also, as my friends, you guys should be happy to support me.

Trevyn: Geez, Lea, we’re such good friends only when you need us. Yet, I asked you to come to my friend Lamar's birthday two days ago and you said you were too busy getting your nails done.

Lea: I was!

August: Besides, it's not like any of us could do anything for you in the state you're in, hot stuff. Trevyn is a damn healer but since your suffering is magical and not physical, there’s nothing any of us can do for you.

Angelina: Which brings me to ask once again... why in the hell am I here! I would much prefer hunting down monsters from another dimension than wasting my time in the room of a narcissist!

Lea: Piss off, Murai! You should be grateful to be in my presence, especially in the condition I'm in, and I asked Hellin to bring you here for moral support.

Hellin: Which was stupid as shit, Stallard! Wasting my time traveling to Japan and having to fucking plead with Murai to come back here with me.

Lea: I despise all of you ungrateful bitches! I'm suffering over here and instead of being good friends and comforting me, all six of you are complaining like a bunch of peasants. You’re terrible friends.

Hellin: Lea... you’re a terrible fucking friend and the most selfish being I know, and that's coming from someone who is the younger sister of Mihoshi Strongs.

Orsela: Truer words have never been spoken.

Scylla: So, Lea, when you somehow prove to be the first sage to not survive a Power Fever, I want to lay claim now to your garments. My mother can make some very nice dresses for me, especially one suitable to attend your funeral.

Lea: You get nothing, bitch! Breathing the same air as me is enough of a reward.

Hellin: Well, in that case, I say we just leave Stallard to suffer in her greatness because we all have better things to do with our time than just sit in her room and hear her complain all day or die. Whichever happens first.

Trevyn: Sounds good cause this Prince has some sneaker shopping planned for today.

August: I could go make a call to Vritra and see if she needs any assistance.

Angelina: I could go back to Japan and get as far away from Stallard and the rest of you, for that matter. 

Scylla: I wouldn't mind staying if I was assured Lea would die from her fever, but the way my luck has been as of late, I'll die of boredom before she’s the first to succumb to a Power Fever. Thus, Hellin, please take my fine and healthy ass back to Greece.

Orsela: I guess we might as well head back to the Underworld since there's nothing for us to really do in Mayland or any place in the Mortal Realm today.

Hellin: Okay, Sis… and the rest of you, let’s leave Lea and go about our day ‘cause Satan knows, if it was any of us in her place, Lea would already be somewhere at an fuckhouse masturbating to guys having sex.

Lea: You fuckheads are really going to leave me?!

Everyone: Yes!

Hellin opened a portal in Lea's bedroom as the heroes gathered around and prepared to leave the Princess of Plutonia to deal with her fever alone. Suddenly, Lea cried out in agony, which caused her friends to pause and turn their attention to her. A gigantic wormhole opened and surrounded her room as Lea's eyes glowed in a blackish purple; much different from the usual multi-colored glow when Lea activates her teleportation powers. Stunned by the sudden wormhole, Hellin and the others instinctively charged towards Lea to assist their friend whose powers were going haywire. All heroes managed to grab a hold of Lea before being teleported away. Less than five seconds later, the heroes found themselves on a dark street somewhere in South Korea. Hellin stood in front with Orsela, Scylla, August, Trevyn, Lea, and Angelina clustered behind her. The group immediately noticed that Lea was no longer suffering from her Power Fever and began to converse with one another.

Lea: Oh wow, lucky me! My fucking fever went faster than my last boyfriend.

Scylla: Stallard! What the fuck have you done?

Orsela: She seems to have teleported us somewhere, but where exactly? From the smell of it, we are someone in South Korea.

August: But where in SK, darling?

Angelina: Based on the poster I spotted on the ground, it seems it’s May 22, 8043.

Hellin: May 22, 8043? Isn't that eleven years from our current time period? Don't fucking tell me that... Lea! You dingbat bitch! You teleported us eleven years into the fucking past!

Trevyn: What the fuck! How is that even possible? Lea can't do that... can she?

Orsela: I guess that was her power boost from her Power Fever, but fuck! How are we going to get back to our timeline?

Scylla: Lea better figure that part out before I kill her!

Lea: Hey, hey, hey, everyone just take a fucking chill pill! I didn't intend for us to go back eleven years in the past. Besides, wouldn't killing me ensure that you fuckheads are stuck here forever?

Hellin: You do realize that the majority of us are already active around this timeline.

Trevyn: Yeah, you, Orsela, August, and Scylla are all adults around this time, but Lea is only a teenager while Angelina and I are only kids.

Angelina: What Trevyn said, plus I do not want to have two of me existing in the same timeline. That crap just sounds and feels wrong. Perhaps Hellin can teleport us to Babylon in the Underworld and explain to her mother what happened.

Hellin: That wouldn't be such a bad idea, Angelina, but there's only one problem with that suggestion. The moment my mother discovers that there's two Hellins and two Orselas in the same universe, she’ll probably cook up a spell to merge Orsela and I with our past selves and get rid of the rest of you; allowing only your past selves to continue to exist.

Trevyn: Queen Othello would do that?

Orsela: Knowing our mother... yes, and she wouldn't bother alerting Onyx.

August: I always knew that mama of yours was a cruel woman, but goddamn!

Hellin: Our only real solution is to get Lea to teleport us back to the fucking present! Now, Lea, allow me to tinker with that pea fucking brain of yours, so I can get us all home. I'll consider not killing you once we return to our proper timeline!

Lea: Hey, wait a fucking second! Don't you use your telepathy on me, Strongs!

Hellin's eyes glowed red as she prepared to take over Lea's mind. Suddenly, she and the others heard a scream from a distance. Sensing the fear in the person's scream, Hellin immediately created a portal and ordered everyone to jump inside of it. Seconds later, Hellin and the others stepped out of the portal as they spotted a sea green haired young boy on the ground with a sinister looking Korean man, wearing a purple shroud, standing over him. Immediately upon seeing the defenseless young boy, Hellin recognized that it was the younger Han Woo who she and the others, minus Angelina, saw crying a week ago in their proper timeline. She realized that not only did Lea teleport them eleven years into the past, but exactly to the day when Han Woo was attacked and his friend, Kang Soon, came to his rescue and died. The sinister purple shrouded witch spotted the heroes and stared at them in utter shock. He hadn’t expected a single soul to be there as he prepared to claim his latest victim. Suddenly, a man with blonde hair, wearing a brown vest with a mesh black shirt and black jeans appeared. This man was none other than Kang Soon, who arrived to save his friend. Unlike the last time this event took place, where only Kang Soon arrived to confront the sinister sage, Hellin, along with her team, were also there, which threw an Eiffel Tower-sized monkey wrench into the soul-sucking witch's schemes.

Purple Shrouded Witch: How?! How are any of you imbeciles here! I made sure to hunt this boy down perfectly! I will not let this soul get away even if I have to kill all of you!

Hellin: Are you fucking dumb? You're outnumbered first and foremost, dickhead! Maybe you should consider running ‘cause it's your best chance at surviving this night. Not that I intend to let you live.

Kang Soon: Wait, who are you people? Aren't you Hellin Strongs and Orsela Geno, the Princesses of Babylon and King Onyx's friends? Wait, I think I recognize just about all of you except the tall black guy with the golden rings, the blonde half-Japanese girl with the baby blue outfit, and the cinnamon-haired woman dressed in white.

August: Of course you do, bud. Four out of seven of us here are all active in your timeline and no, I don't care to explain to ya what the fuck is going on here. All you need to know is that that bastard in the purple has got to die.

Angelina: And I'm going to be the one who kills him!

Angelina swiftly summoned her trusted magical yo-yo she calls "Aisyn the Brave" into her right palm and immediately hurled her magical weapon into the chest of the Purple Shrouded Witch, killing him instantly. Hellin and the others watched in both horror and amazement, seeing how quickly and mercilessly Angelina reacted. The young sage turned around to look at her comrades, puzzled by their facial expressions.

Angelina: What? It's not like any of you haven't killed before. 

Hellin: True, but...

Angelina: But what?

Hellin: Lower your tone, bitch! My "but" is me asking about the consequences of killing someone in the past?

Scylla: Good question, but too bad I don't care and neither should any of you. I personally don't believe in that "correcting an action in the past has a bad reaction in the future" crap! Now that the asshole is dead... Lea, take us back to our proper timeline this instant!

Lea: Okay, okay, okay, fuck! I think I know exactly what to do to get us back to our proper timeline. However, before we go, do y'all think we should explain to the two Koreans what just happened here?

Everyone except Han Woo and Kang Soon: NO! Just get us home!

Lea: Fine! Fucking dickheads!

Lea opened a portal. The heroes rushed in before Han Woo and Kang Soon could make heads or tails of what the fuck just happened. The heroes vanished from their sight as they made their hopeful return to their proper timeline. Seconds later, the heroes re-emerged in Lea's bedroom. They all instinctively checked the alarm clock in Lea's room to make sure they were back in their current timeline. Once assured that they all have returned home, Scylla summoned a small ball of water in her palm and threw it at Lea and soaked her. Scylla then angrily yelled at her before storming out of her bedroom. Angelina and Trevyn rushed out behind her.

Hellin: You fucking deserved that, Stallard.

Lea: I'm going to get that bitch the next time I see her.

Orsela: We’re all pissed off at you, Lea, so for your sake,  let it go! Just be glad you teleported us to our correct timeline. I'm glad you're better, but I don’t need to be in your presence at the moment unless I end up killing you.

Lea: For fucks sake, everyone, I didn't mean to teleport us back to the past. At least it all worked out.

August: That’s true, but for the love of God, the next damn time you teleport us to the past, at least make sure it's back when my great-grandmama was still alive, wrangling up fools. Now that's a timeline I wouldn't mind visiting. Anyway, I'll see you ladies outside.

August then took his leave from Lea's bedroom. Only Hellin and Orsela remained. Lea quickly changed out of her wet clothes before turning to her two demon comrades.

Lea: Look Hellin and Orsela, I'm really, really sorry about today. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

Hellin: Lea, this could’ve been avoided if you didn't act like a damn drama queen. However, I'm starting to think this whole thing with you taking us back to the past and us saving Han Woo and Kang Soon wasn't some coincidence. I think when we saw the elder or our Han Woo crying last week while in Korea, somehow it triggered something within you. I know you were the only other person genuinely concerned about him that day, which is uncharacteristic of you.

Lea: Yeah, well, seeing someone holding an urn of a loved one fucking sucks. I just couldn't shake the feeling that somehow Han Woo blamed himself for Kang Soon's death. Speaking of which, since we prevented Kang Soon's death in the past, does that mean he's alive in the present?

Orsela: That would make the most logical sense unless Kang Soon ended up dying another way, but that’s the good thing about the internet. I'll just check my cellphone and Moogle him real quick.

Orsela did a quick Moogle search for KANG SOON and discovered that he was indeed alive and well. There was even a recent picture of him with the adult Han Woo posted on his Pictagram. Hearing the good news, the ladies breathed a sigh of relief. And no, we aren't going into any details about how this may or may not affect the future timeline. As the author of this story, I don't give a shit!

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