Monday, October 31, 2022

Profile: Apollyn


"If Apollyn likes you then you can have Apollyn's candy... not that kind of CANDY, YOU PERVERT!" - Demon Warlord of Gluttony, Apollyn 

Name: Apollyn (She does not have a surname)

Age: 324 

Realm: The Underworld

Height: 5'4” (changes when she transforms)

Weight: 188 pounds (changes when she transforms)

Hair Color: Carnation Pink

Skin Color: Vanilla

Eye Colors: Sky Blue (Right Eye) Baby Pink (Left Eye)

Powers: Apollyn possesses the typical powers of a demon such as super strength, speed, agility, self regenerativity, and heightened senses. Apollyn is also a manipulator of sweets/desserts. She can use various candies as weapons, make her clothes out of them, and can transform her target into a dessert via bite, and she can transform into a ferocious demon with an insatiable appetite. Apollyn can also create portals from the Underworld to the Mortal Realm and vice versa. However, Apollyn could only do this feat every four hours otherwise she would risk going feral. Therefore, most of the time, Apollyn travels by traditional means when exploring the Mortal Realm.

Quirk: Apollyn often speaks in third person 

Allies: Lisa-Alice, Jia Xiaoyu, Nara Asamura, Mistyak Asamura, King Onyx, Hellin Strongs, Othello Strongs, Orsela Geno, Mihoshi Strongs, Koga Yukimaru, Ivan Petrov, Leviathan, Scylla Baros, August Starfinder, Trevyn Aliyu, Lea Stallard, Angelina Murai, Romeo N'al, Mona, Addison Reed, Nevin Silvers, Orellana, Mingxia, Utakata Affogato, Monique Sulfur, Vritra... LOOK, WE'LL BE HERE ALL FUCKING DAY IF I LIST EVERY CHARACTER APOLLYN CONSIDERS AN ALLY

Likes: Her friends, making new friends, desserts, traveling, eating, sleeping, bathing, collecting stuffed animals, going to the movies, parks, birds, cats, dogs, etc.

Dislikes: Seeing her friends upset, vegetables, people who are mean to her


Apollyn is one of the many children of the great demon, Beelzebub, and currently serves as the Demon Warlord of Gluttony. Unlike the previous and current Demon Warlords, who obtained their status either through the traditional means of killing the previous Demon Warlord or inheriting their throne, Apollyn was more or less given her status by her elder sister, Lisa-Alice, who killed the previous Demon Warlord of Gluttony who resided in Gehenna. The hit was ordered by the Demon Warlord of Pride, Johanna, who felt the former Demon Warlord of Gluttony was undeserving of his position. The other Warlords agreed with Johanna's decision to remove said demon. Since Johanna didn't want another insufferable demon possessing the title of Warlord of Gluttony, Lisa-Alice recommended her sister, Apollyn, who, despite her child-like demeanor, was a very powerful demon. Plus, Apollyn wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Therefore, Lisa-Alice, Johanna, Othello, and the others would take turns running Gehenna with Apollyn being the "face" of the Kingdom. 

Meanwhile, Apollyn often explored the Mortal Realm in search of delicious snacks that she often stole before disappearing with said desserts. The lass ended up having wanted posters in multiple bakeries in many countries of the Mortal Realm. It's not that Apollyn was a thief out of malice; she just didn't understand how currency worked in the Mortal Realm. One day, while exploring in China, Apollyn ventured into a shop and swiped several desserts without paying, which made the owners extremely upset with her. The owners confronted Apollyn outside their establishment and began berating the gluttonous demon. Before things took a turn for the worst, a young and beautiful woman by the name of Jia Xiaoyu intervened on Apollyn's behalf. Xiaoyu de-escalated the situation and quietly paid the owners for the food stolen by Apollyn. Emotional by the kindness Xiaoyu had shown her, since Apollyn had minimal contact with humans prior, the demon became enamored with the woman and decided to become her friend. Xiaoyu appreciated Apollyn's sincerity and the two women became partners in fighting crime. 

Apollyn also learned from Xiaoyu how things worked in the Mortal Realm and that she couldn't just swipe desserts but had to pay for them. Thankfully, Apollyn quickly understood how things worked and when she received payment for her duties in the Mortal Realm, Apollyn went back to the various places she had stolen from in the past and had paid the owners the money for the goods she unintentionally took. Thanks to Xiaoyu and later on Nara, Apollyn was grateful to have such amazing friends along with making new friends while fighting against evil. Also Apollyn continued being the Demon Warlord of Gluttony and performed her duties in the Underworld whenever she was needed by Johanna and her fellow Demon Warlords. 


Apollyn is the second Demon Warlord successfully created after Othello Strongs.

Apollyn is inspired by the character Gretel from Queen's Blade Grimoire, Sylvie Paula Paula and Mignon Beart from The King of Fighters series.

Apollyn speaks in third person. It's not obsessive, but happens often enough.

Apollyn behaves like a child. That is because she has a defect as a demon, but she is, nonetheless, competent enough to understand right from wrong.

Apollyn is one of 100 children of Beelzebub. Apollyn is child 98 with two younger brothers after her. While Apollyn has many elder siblings, she is closest to her sister, Lisa-Alice.

Apollyn's weight is abnormal in proportion to her height because she is a lot heavier than her appearance would suggest. This, of course, is because she is a demon.

Apollyn has heterochromia, which is unusual for a demon since most demons have red-colored eyes. Whereas Apollyn has one sky blue eye and the other is baby pink. 

Apollyn's human appearance is inspired by the controversial Lolita archetype that exists in anime. However, Apollyn demonic appearance is quite terrifying but only comes out when under extreme duress, she hasn't had dessert in over 72 hours, or she uses her portal beyond the recommended time periods. 

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