Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Profile Love


"I feel hurt, love by the word love" - Salem Ilese 

Real Name: Ilese Fervent 

Code Name: Love

Alias: The Unhappy Ending

Age: 27

Race: Undead (Resurrected Human)

Country: Mayland

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 122 Pounds

Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde (Love dyed three strands of her hair pink, lime, and baby blue)

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: Cream

Powers: Love isn't a genuine practitioner of magic, so she only uses a limited amount of spells to aid her in certain situations. Ultimately, Love is an expert assassin and is skilled in using her signature butterfly knife. Love is also an expert hand-to-hand fighter.

Allies: Hellin Strongs, Katy Hate, Yura Mikan, Adewale Osefo

Likes: Killing, catsuits, money, lasagna, her stuffed animal collection, wine, sex

Dislikes: Witches, stupid clients, hard targets, scrutiny


Prior to becoming the sadistic child-like assassin known by the name of Love, Ilese Fervent was once a kind young girl who lived with her loving father, Richard. Losing her mother to a demon at the tender age of six, Ilese was raised by her father in Arundel. Despite not having her mother in her life, Ilese's father dedicated his time as much as possible to raising his little girl. Richard brought up Ilese the proper way and even taught her not to hate all demons because of the actions of a few. Ilese grew up being a pretty happy-go-lucky teenager, often going to the mall with her friends after school and always returning home to her father before dark. One evening when Ilese came home from hanging out with friends, the young girl was shocked to see an attractive woman dressed in black with an elegant bob. Her father quickly introduced the woman as his girlfriend, Gustava, whom he had been dating for the past few weeks. Ilese wasn't thrilled about the new woman because she had a sinister vibe about her. However, the girl loved her father and couldn't bear the thought of saying or doing anything to jeopardize his relationship. Unaware of the true nature of Gustava who was an over 800-year-old witch (the age that exceeds the normal life span of a mortal, which is only a little over 700-years-old at best), but appeared in her mid-forties. That was because Gustava had the ability to turn a man against his loved ones and for every successful heart she twisted, Gustava's youth was extended. Ilese and Richard were her next victims.

A few more weeks passed and Gustava moved in with her boyfriend and his daughter. The day after Ilese's eighteenth birthday, she came home on a typical Friday evening from the mall. She received a text from her father to meet him and Gustava upstairs as they awaited her in her room. Unaware of the fate that awaited her, Ilese rushed home and hurried upstairs. She spotted Gustava standing next to the vanity in her room and saw her father standing next to a stainless steel treasure chest filled with stuffed animals. Ilese was so excited that she didn't notice the grim expression on her father's face, who had been successfully twisted by Gustava. Ilese gave her father a hug and a kiss and said "I love you" to him before kneeling down to the chest and sticking her head inside of it to admire the stuffed animals. Her father, under Gustava's control and unable to resist, managed to tell his daughter "I love you" for the final time before mercilessly shutting the chest on her neck and decapitating her. Ilese was now dead and Gustava's youth was extended. Richard, having been successfully turned by Gustava, was now broken out of the witch's control and realized that he had murdered his own daughter. Gustava simply laughed at him before walking out of the room and making her way downstairs to exit the house. The witch completed her deed and had no further use for Richard or his dead daughter. Unable to live with the guilt of killing his baby girl, Richard headed to the bathroom and hanged himself. Meanwhile, a green skinned witch with rose colored hair and dressed in all black entered the home. Making her way upstairs, she passed the bathroom where the deceased Richard had hanged himself. She then made her way to the bedroom where Ilese's headless body lay next to the chest in a pool of blood.

The green skinned witch opened the chest and grabbed Ilese's head and placed it back on her body. The green skinned witch then used her necromancy powers to bring the once dead Ilese back to life. Ilese was alive once again, but had a scar where her neck was severed. Shocked to see the strange green skinned witch in her room, the witch introduced herself as Gennifer before explaining to the confused girl that she and her father fell victim to a witch named Gustava, the Youth Seeker. Ilese immediately asked about her father and Gennifer told her that unfortunately he was already dead and there was nothing she can do for him since she could only resurrect one person within a time span. It was a lie, but Ilese didn’t know that. Upon seeing her father's corpse hanging in the bathroom, Ilese had a meltdown. Crying, screaming, and tearing up the house, Ilese's good girl personality rotted away as a psycho began to emerge. Gennifer told Ilese that she could avenge her father because she knew the location of Gustava's hideout. It was a log cabin within the Meadow Forest, which is also located in Arundel, the state where Ilese resided. Consumed by madness, Ilese was prepped by Gennifer to seek vengeance on the bitch who ruined her life and caused her father's death.

Nightfall arrived while Gustava listened to her radio and enjoyed a cup of apple cider. The witch felt an unusual ominous presence. Thinking she was just being paranoid, the witch ignored the bad feelings and resumed enjoying her drink. Suddenly, the lights in her cabin began flickering, which definitely caused her to be alarmed since that had never happened before. Wondering if she was being targeted by another witch whom she may have crossed in the past, Gustava searched for her grimoire to find a spell to defend herself. As soon as Gustava made a move towards her book shelf, a knife flew at her and stabbed her in the arm. Grimacing in pain, Gustava turned  around and to her horror saw a crazed Ilese standing across from her. She was shocked to not only discover the girl she killed was now alive, but managed to find her and break into her cabin. Paralyzed by fear, before Gustava could even attempt to move, Ilese rushed over to her like a Purple Lion ready to devour a wounded mortal. Ilese pulled the knife out of Gustava's arm and began mercilessly stabbing the witch. Gustava cried out in agony and with each wound she pleaded for Ilese to spare her. Ilese, consumed by hatred and a newfound lust for blood, stabbed away at Gustava even long after she was dead. "This was for you, Father, but it was also for ME!" Ilese laughed a psychotic laugh as she finished off Gustava by cutting the witch's head off. Corrupted by madness, Ilese fully abandoned her old self and realized she enjoyed being a killer. Shortly afterwards, Ilese changed her name to Love and became an assassin for hire, working for various shady figures in the Mortal Realm and even demons in the Underworld if the price was right.


1. Love's real name "Ilese", which comes from the singer Salem Ilese.

2. Love's origins are inspired by the fairy tale "Juniper Tree" written by Brothers Grimm.

3. Love also takes inspiration from the TEKKEN character Nina Williams.

4. Love also uses the code name "Love" because it was one of the last things she remembered her father saying to her before killing her.

5. Love enjoys anal sex.

6. Love's alias "The Unhappy Ending" is inspired by fairy tales that don't have a good ending. Also, it's a phrase many use for Love's targets since no one she's ever been sent to kill has ever survived.

7. While Love possesses the potential to be a very proficient Sage/Witch, she much prefers eliminating her targets in a more personal manner; limiting her usage of magic for certain situations because she prefers the knife over shooting out a ball of fire.

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