Thursday, June 5, 2014

Profile: Okubi

Demon of Fate

Name: Okubi Vice

Age: 357

Eye Color: Cerulean normally but turns crimson red on occasions. Red whenever he goes demon

Hair Color: Dandelion but changes to Vanilla from occasion

Gender: Male but has been mistaken for a female many times

Occupation: Treasure Hunter

Likes: Rare treasure, traveling, silence, Eligos's humor at times, Dragon Stew

Dislikes: People, Annoying Eligos, the past

Magic Name: Marchosias

Magic Powers: Okubi can manipulate dark matter, fire, water/ice. Okubi also posses natural demonic abilities.

The son of The Great Sage Boris Vice and Princess Ophelia of the Aello Empire. Okubi is a half demon with incredible powers. Known simply has a cruel hearted Treasure Hunter. Prior to becoming a Treasure Hunter. Okubi was once a kind hearted being. Sadly one terrible day changed Okubi's life forever. The first eight years of his life. Okubi was raised by both of his parents. Shortly after his father's heroic death. Okubi's grieving mother no longer wanting to live in Asira. Decided to take Okubi and her to The Underworld. While life in The Underworld was certainly not easy for Okubi. Due to The Underworld's extreme prejudice towards half demons like himself. Thanks to his mother and his Sensei Takeda Tobirama. Okubi had managed to deal living in The Underworld. Enjoying life alongside his beloved mother. Okubi was unaware of how heartbroken Ophelia was over his father's death. Along with her less than pure activities. Continuing to enjoy life alongside his mother. Okubi was certain they would remain together for eternity. Sadly Okubi would soon discover that fate had other plans for his mother and him.

One day after returning home from training. Okubi was shocked to see the house in shambles. Immediately worried about his mother's safety. Okubi began tracking her scent. After searching for over an hour. Okubi decided to search for his mother in Asira. Thinking she may had ventured there for some reason. Opening his portal with his mother in mind. Okubi would be able to transport to her location.  Stepping out of his portal. Okubi found himself in China. The air around him smother in blood. Lying before Okubi are multiple bodies on the ground. The area looked as if an earthquake had taken place. Ignoring his bloodlust Okubi continues tracking his mother. Now sensing an extremely powerful and fearsome energy. Fearing for his mother's safety. Okubi used his demonic powers to increase his speed. Eventually arriving to his mother's location. Okubi was devastated by what he saw. Not only was the malevolent energy coming from his mother.  Ophelia was causing the death and destruction around China. Immediately tears began rushing down from Okubi's eyes.

Unknown to Okubi, Ophelia had become possessed by an evil spirit. Turning the once peaceful demon into a being of mass destruction. Watching his mother killed before his very eyes. Okubi helplessly dropped to his knees. Tears continued falling from his eyes. Okubi began begging his mother to end her madness. Only for his pleas to fall on death ears. Okubi watches helplessly as Ophelia continues her rampage. However Okubi found it strange no matter how much destruction Ophelia was causing. Never once did his mother attempt to harm him. Watching his Mother continue with her massacre. Okubi spotted an injured woman holding her crying baby. Upon seeing his mom about to target the woman and her baby. Okubi knew he needed to do something to save them. Even if it meant attacking his mother. Knowing he couldn't harm his mother in his current state. Okubi used the technique Heartless. A technique that can temporarily render an individual to feel no emotion. Now with Heartless in effect. Okubi would be able to stop his mother. Seconds before Ophelia could kill the injure woman and her baby. Okubi created a ball of destructive energy. Targeting his mother with venom in his heart. Okubi unleashes a devastating energy beam at her. Killing his mother instantly upon contact. Reverting back to his normal self. While grateful the mother and her child were saved. Along with the destruction in China having ended. Realizing he had murdered his mother. Caused Okubi to feel an immense level of guilt. Leaving his mother's dead body behind. Okubi returned to The Underworld with the intentions of killing himself.

Shortly after returning back home. Right as Okubi was about to end his life. A Demon Spirit by the name Eligos stumbled upon him. The Underworld already aware of Okubi's actions. Eligos knew exactly why Okubi wanted to kill himself. Sensing Okubi didn't kill his mother by choice. Eligos pleaded with Okubi not to kill himself. Promising to become his loyal servant. Should Okubi not end his life. Swayed by his newly servant from killing himself. Okubi promised himself from this day forward. Never again care for anyone else but himself. Leaving The Underworld for good. Okubi and Eligos began their new life together in Asira. Now as an hired Treasure Hunter for various merchants and millionaires of Asira. Due to his very high success rate. Okubi became a multi millionaire as well. Years have gone by since the day he killed his mother. Instead of time healing Okubi. The half demon's only grew colder. Treating everyone from his servant to others with heavy contempt. Okubi would even physically abuse Eligos whenever he slightly pissed him off. Centuries has gone passed as Okubi continued life as a Treasure Hunter. Having killed many of his competitors over the years. Okubi was referred by those in the Treasure Hunting community as Lucifier! Yet Okubi was admired by majority of those who hired him. Despite his vast fortune and success. Okubi still had one desire and that was to die. Over the years Okubi had collected various books. In order to find a way to make himself mortal.

Having returned home from his latest conquest. Okubi along with Eligos ventured into his personal library. Reading through the multiple books he collected over the years. Okubi discovered a sword called the Unicorn Blade. Learning about the sword's magical properties and rumor location. Okubi had finally found a way to make himself mortal. Thus greatly shortening his otherwise nearly infinite lifespan. Not accepting any request at the time. Okubi along with Eligos prepared for travel to the deserted Logus Island. Unaware of the evil that currently plagued Asira. Okubi would soon find himself combating this very evil. Alongside him other heroes who he will refer to as friends. The journey to end his life. Shall become an journey to save Asira. Along with that journey Okubi will discover a painful truth. One that will either make him or completely shatter him


1. The woman and child Okubi's rescued back in China. Are the descendants of his friend Jia Xiaoyu

2. While Okubi's favorite dish is Dragon Stew. Due to his father having died battling a dragon. Okubi despises the winged creatures

3. While Okubi loved his father. Unlike his mother Okubi wasn't close to his father

4. Originally while studying Marchosias under his Sensei Tobirama. Okubi was able to manipulate fire, water, and dark energy. After having murdered his mother. Okubi gain the ability to manipulate ice

5. While many demons are able to create portal. Okubi is consider a high level portal summoner. Okubi was taught by his mother to make sufficient portals. Okubi learned to create portals with various deadly effects. Referring to them as Doom Portals

6. Okubi who was a powerful demon prior to undergoing the D.D.T. (Dark Dream Trial) After surviving the trial. Okubi's powers had increased drastically. However those very powers has also cursed Okubi with despair.

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